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Bane premier skin ideas?

Will bane ever get a premier skin? Only got three in mind. Bring Grundy back, get killer croc, or even that big venom induced joker from the batman arkham series. What you guys think?

Energy Crisis

new to posting, but I been a ghost for years
The venom trait makes it tricky to think of good premier skins. But if they could find a way to make a 3 tier buff followed by a temporary debuff work...I like the idea of Killer Croc, Hercules, or even Mongol


Low tier? I was born in it, molded by it
And honestly, I'm not so keen on the idea of premier skins changing the characters completely. It's out of place.

That said if DCEU Bane costume doesn't happen for him, I'd like to see the Batman-Bane costume too or New 52.



Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Please don't make Croc just a stupid skin. That character deserves his own slot.

But I'd really like to see the TDKR Bane, complete with new "bane mask" voice over.


ᕙ(•̀‸•́‶)ᕗ ᕙ(•̀‸•́‶)ᕗ
I'm not a fan of premier skins changing the character to another. I do like what they did for Cyborg's premier skin. Keeping the character the same, but giving him a whole other look. Like many other's stated, I would like a TDKR Bane skin.
I'm not a fan of premier skins changing the character to another. I do like what they did for Cyborg's premier skin. Keeping the character the same, but giving him a whole other look. Like many other's stated, I would like a TDKR Bane skin.
Grid is his own character tho...


Blockbuster would be best. He used Blockbuster formula, so you can use the system like Bane and the interactions would be similar to Leatherface; he'd be growling and roaring throughout the match, saving them time to just add the best one liners from the first/second lines of dialogue from his opponents.

UGL Preon

The Casual God
Brock Lesnar with Steroid Levels and Paul Heyman custom announcer no more God's eye.

Serious though it's hard to come up with something because of his trait but maybe Red Bane from Batman Beyond or ANY incarnation from the comics/Animated Series. Not Scuba + Bane = Scubbane