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baiting the opponent with tea bagging


Online Punching Bag
Not that it would work on anyone good but its funny when they sit there and turtle behind their ice clones or trying to projectile spam across screen and you start tea bagging and taunting them. 9 times out of 10 they rushed at me almost right away in ranked so I could draw them into a combo. Too funny. Finally a use for tea bagging other than just wasting time at the end of the match.


I wish I was from pangea.

Are you immortal? or just a talking, typing rock. I would love to be both.

LOL ON TOPIC........I've done it before, too. I can only imagine the rage that's induced.. It has to be insane.


Online Punching Bag
I wonder if any of those Pet Rocks from the 60's or 70's are still technically alive. I bet they would last longer than a chia pet.

B W1zZ

I usually reserve tea bagging for the end of the match along with a few stance switches, especially if I'm playing as Sheeva.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I once chose Raiden and teabagged some scrub mid-match. Every time he jumped in, I'd teleport and superman. He rage quit. It was too funny.


too smart to play MKX
Superman, or teleport, or reminding you that if it weren't for my nuts needing a place to rest, your chin would have zero purpose.

It's all part of the same dance.