A New Angel Is Advent
mutton basher
Let's talk about old news. Need some ideas for opening up opponents who know how to block BA. Here's what I'm using now. Not everything is safe obviously, but it has a decent risk/reward and at some point you have to take risks. What else are you guys doing?
BA mixup on a blocked B23
-Opponent conditioned to block D1 lightning hands
-Lightning catches backdash (or they're not back dashing or MBB3)
B23 blocked
-D1 trait grab
-D1 trait B23
-D1 trait B23 D1 grab
-D1 trait B23 D1 lightning
-D1 trait B2 lightning
-crossup J.2
-crossup j.2 MB divekick
-neutral j.3 MB divekick
-D1 113 D1 trait to lightning, grab, etc
BA mixup on a blocked B23
-Opponent conditioned to block D1 lightning hands
-Lightning catches backdash (or they're not back dashing or MBB3)
B23 blocked
-D1 trait grab
-D1 trait B23
-D1 trait B23 D1 grab
-D1 trait B23 D1 lightning
-D1 trait B2 lightning
-crossup J.2
-crossup j.2 MB divekick
-neutral j.3 MB divekick
-D1 113 D1 trait to lightning, grab, etc