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Awesome Games Done Quick 2012 Jan 4th-9th 3 PM EST (SDA Charity event for Prevent Cancer Foundation)


How's my volume?
Following what could be called tradition at this point, the users of Speed Demos Archive (SDA) have organized a live speedrun-focused charity event for The Prevent Cancer Foundation. This is "a 6-day online event played to raise money for cancer prevention and streamed live for you to watch."

Following is a trailer as well as a message from SDA:


Pretty awesome, huh? Huge thanks to SDA member Cool Matty for putting it together and Grant from Metroid Metal for letting us use the track. Now, with the marathon mere days away, I have a humble request for all of you reading this: help this promo video do its promoting thing. Link people here to see it, or even better, download it and upload it to any corner of the internet of you can. Twitter, youtube, facebook, whatever: if you're helping to spread the word about AGDQ you're doing all of us at SDA a great service.
100% of the donations made during the marathon go directly to The Prevent Cancer Foundation.

For more information about the organization, follow this link: http://preventcancer.org/

The entire event will be streamed on the homepage here: http://speeddemosarchive.com/

To find out more information about the games being played during the event, including who will be playing each game and how long they are estimated to go for, follow this link: http://speeddemosarchive.com/marathon/schedule/

Finally, following is a information on "special events during the marathon" from SDA:

Special Events
During the marathon, we'll be holding several special events to keep things exciting:

  • Prizes – Donate for a chance to win great prizes such as hand-knitted plushes, perlers, artwork, games, and other great stuff like a Sonic comic collection and Super Meat Boy-themed meat tenderizer!
  • Donation Bids for Runs – As with every SDA marathon, you can donate for file names of your choice and certain challenges in runs. However, there are also different games and types of runs at stake! The donation battles include any% or 100% for Mega Man X, Mega Man or Bass in Mega Man 10, Alucard or Richter for an all bosses run of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, a run of Pokemon Red or Blue, and a run of LoZ: Link's Awakening or LoZ: Oracle of Seasons, among many others. Donate to pick your favorites!
  • Races – If the excitement of seeing games demolished by speed runners simply isn't enough, then make sure to watch the intense matchups between different runners as they compete to see who can complete a game faster. This marathon will include races for Sonic Adventure 2, Mega Man X, Mirror's Edge, the Legend of Zelda, and other great games!
  • Co-op Runs – Watch as runners team up to finish games in even faster and more ridiculous ways than usual. The co-op runs in this marathon include Portal 2, TMNT4: Turtles in Time, Contra 3, Double Dragon 2, Kirby & the Amazing Mirror, Magicka, and the Lawnmower Man.
To see a selection of prizes, donation bid choices, and when particular runs will take place, check the runs schedule.
I will try to keep the thread up to date for everyone with what game is currently being played and the next game coming up. I will also make mention of when a prize is up for bid or when a special event is happening.

As the title suggests, the marathon starts today, at 12 PM PST 3 PM EST (If you are unsure what that time is in your time zone, check this link here: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc and enter the time 3 PM and in the "From Time Zone" box choose EST and choose your time zone/location in the "To Time Zone."
I hope to see you all there.


How's my volume?
Portal 2 started.

Next up in one hour and thirty minutes is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.


How's my volume?
Yoshi's Story started. This is your last chance to be in the running for one of the four Yoshi related prizes. Unlike SMW2 you will only have 15 minutes to do this.

Next up is Deus Ex: Human Revolution with the prize being a copy of the game.


How's my volume?
With the event over, over $145,000 was raised, bringing the total raised by SDA to $250,000. I want to thank anyone here who checked it out, even if you didn't donate.

There will be a bonus stream after the event is over that goes through the rest of the week with people playing games that weren't on during the event.