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[Aug 17, 2013] Saturday Slugfest XII (Lynnwood, WA)


Entry and Venue:
Venue Fee: $5
VIP Venue Fee: $15 (inc the $5 Venue Fee) ** See Below
AE, Marvel, VF5 and Injustice: $10 per Game
Other Games: $5 per Game

Games List:
AE 2012 ($10)
UMvC3 ($10)
Injustice ($10)
VirtuaFighter 5 ($10)
KoF13 ($5)
SCV ($5)
MK9 ($5)
Persona 4 ($5)
Tekken Tag 2 ($5)

1:00pm - Doors Open
3:00pm - Injustice, SCV
5:00pm - TT2, UMvC3, MK9 + VIP Section opens
6:00pm - KoF, P4
7:00pm - AE2012, VF5

11 or Less people: 75%, 25%
12 or More people: 70%. 20%, 10%

VIP Venue:
A signif portion of VIP Entry goes to PNWR2E2014/ Northwest Majors VI fund. Even at $10 for VIP its CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP vs. running these back at a bar and drinking.

Bring a FULL set up and get Free Venue at this event.
Bring a Monitor only and get $1 off Venue
Bring a Xbox or PS3 and Disks only and get $1 off Venue

We need 6 Set Ups. 5 Xbox and 2 PS3. First to arrive receive discount. If you bring yours and we have hit the limit, then you can either donate your set up for the event or put it back in your car. We can always use more, but we have limited funds we can play with for discounts and still maintain the financial integrity of the event.
Discount priority goes to complete set ups before parts.

PNWR2E2014/Northwest Majors VI Fund
We are taking a portion of every Venue Fee from Slugfests and Thursday Night Fights and putting it toward the 2014 EVO Sponsorships and Northwest Majors VI prize pool.
So support of these events supports NWM as well as our NW EVO attendees.