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Atlanta Revival: All Teams Tournament! 1-28-2012

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee're back! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls it is time! Atlanta Revival is back for another year! To start off the new year the Atlanta Revival team is bringing you an all out brawl. That's right i'm talking about an all team tournament. Now without further a due here's the information you will need for this all out brawl!

January 28th, 2012

Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd. NW
Atlanta, Ga. 30314


Venue Fee:
$10 for competitor
$5 for spectator


SSF4 AE $30 per team 3v3
MVC3 $30 per team 3v3
MK9 $20 per team 2v2
Tekken6 $20 per team 2v2
KOF $20 per team 2v2

Full set-up = entry fee waived
Half set-up = entry fee halved

Here are the rules for this tourney. There will be no same characters on a team except for MVC3 and KOF.This is also a team lock in the same order/character format as well. No switching will be allowed.This will be a winner stay on format. Each player gets one shot at success. This is a double elimination tourney. winners, losers, and grand finals will ALL be 2 out of 3 matches. This means the team as a whole will have to be defeated. It's time people!


AK BeerGuyEd

Don't worry about a teammate. Someone else will be there in need of one. I know I will unless pig and fly decide to split up but I doubt it.

AK BeerGuyEd

I propose and I have talked to pig and he is down with it, that we put all the names in a hat and draw for teams. I think that would be hype and so much fun.

Almost forgot that I was screwing around with all the stuff to change up the stream equipment a bit to bring a better quality stream on Amazon. I had everything in my cart, and said wow that is a lot of money. This morning I ordered some stuff and forgot that it was all in my cart. After a long time of thinking I am not going to cancel the stream stuff, so we will have all new stream equipment for revival.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Wow Ed

I'll call u soon

Also everyone will have to agree on it but personally I'm down for random drawn teams I'm worried some will not be down

AK BeerGuyEd

All yeah I am very hyped for this. I am hoping that we can stream away without any worries about reception. If we do have issues then we can record all of the matches.

What time are people going to get there? I need to get there early enough to setup and it would be sweet to get lots of casuals in before 3:30.