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Armor Attacks (why dont I have one?)

I like how armor attacks work in MK9. They feel right, purposeful, and well balenced. As a game mechanic I think everyone should have at least one just as everyone has at least one kind of projectile and zoning abillity. I believe that armor is and awesome mechanic and gives the game extra depth.

I play Kano and think it would be nice if en Up ball had armor since it only does 2% more damage and is used for anti zoning anyway.

does anyone else think so? or do you like it the way it is?
please tell me your thoughts as this is something I would really like to see in a future patch or future mk title because it just shines as an intresting game mechanic


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
When it comes to kano, his armor is retarded

id get rid of his armor on the ball and give it to EX choke like it was supposed to be since release

Id also trade armor of his XRAY for some setups because he doesnt have any :(

But im happy with him in general except the freaking ball input
oh lol forgot about armor on xrays =P

Oh snap does that mean everyone has an armor? shit sorry.

After five minutes of kano balling I finally got the armor to activate... kinda unreliable. some attacks go over the kano ball.
And yeah I wouldn't want people with armor attacks to have more of them. I think they should have at least one En armor attack just so everyone has that option.

in deffence of kanos armor xray, Jax has the very same Xray (diffrent animation) yet he has armor bionic arm aswell.


A prop on the stage of life.
in deffence of kanos armor xray, Jax has the very same Xray (diffrent animation) yet he has armor bionic arm aswell.
Which is why they told you he ALSO has armor on EX straight ball. Just be glad you picked one of the 26 characters that actually has armor.

Inb4 zomg characters without armor aren't bad. My second statement was for trolling purposes.