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Armless Kombat Tier List


I miss you
Hello people. Just asking if there is some Tier List for Armless kombat, or maybe we can create one right now.

As suggestions:

Noob is pretty much the same since he's able to use his shadows without any trouble.
Sindel may be high because of being able to spam fireballs (coming from mouth, not arms)
Sonya still has cartwheel and the jumping kick
Cage has both shadow kicks
Ermac still has hoverslam and tricky leg kombos.

Do note that there's no blocking in this mode.

Anyone want to make an statement?


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
All you need is 4 3, and 3 3 ( witch are both kicks ) to do anything with rain anyway :), I think a hyper combat tire list should be in order too


Kabal still has iAGB and f4 (which without blocking would make an infinite I believe). So, yeah, no change here.
I remember when the game came out I put headless kombat kode anytime I fought a Sindel/Kabal. Some of those players ragequit on me, others pissmessaged LoL


Online Punching Bag
oops I didn't even try missiles with Sektor, I forgot they came out of his chest, damn it. flamerhrower and uppercut didn't do anything.


Truth and Ugly
CSZ; slide, divekick, iceball and icebombs still work. His 3 is fairly quick and gives 3,4xxSlide. He can parry but then just swings his stumps which is pretty funny, EX parry works fine though. Any freeze he can U4xxSlide for maybe 25%.


I just realised how fucked Freddy is. He's got his 3, b3, d3, 4, d4, f4 and thats IT..and they all SUCK! (except f4)
He even sweeps with his fuckin arms!


Kung Lao wins. Stand next to opponent and spin all day (it works for some reason). They cannot block, so dive kick to them and then spin next to them when they are on the floor. GG.


Kung Lao wins. Stand next to opponent and spin all day (it works for some reason). They cannot block, so dive kick to them and then spin next to them when they are on the floor. GG.
One day, we'll find something Kung Lao's NOT good at