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Are you into puzzle games?


That's about right.
Hello beautiful people of TYM! I've recently began playing Portal 2(I know I'm a little late)after it sat in my library for years lol. Anyway, I have completely fallen in love with the genre and was wondering how many of you like the genre? If you do not like it can you give a reason why?

I would also like this thread to be a nice place to make suggestions for puzzle games, in case some of us have missed out on something wonderful. Secret sauce= the tool used to solve puzzles to advance. Here are a couple of suggestions to get us started. Also, I won't reveal too much about the stories, just the very basic gist.

Quantum Conundrum is about a young boy who is trying to find his uncle. The games secret sauce is dimensions. QC is also directed by Kim Swift who was the lead designer for Portal. If you dig Portal you should check this one out first.

The Swapper is a sci-fi/space game about a person trying to escape from a planet. The Swappers secret sauce is cloning.


Kytinn King
Zero Escape; Virtue's Last Reward, all the Professor Layton games. There's is this Hollywood Crimes puzzle game I played a while back as well. I love the puzzle game genre, hell if you are into to anime there is a puzzle one called Kami no Puzzle (The Puzzle of God)