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Arcade stick users, how do you dash/run properly?

I can dash right no problem, but dashing left with thumb power just doesn't go well and I inevitably go back to pad for this reason. Otherwise I like the stick better.

My grip is ball between pointer and thumb with inside of middle finger underneath against the stick (context pls). So not enough speed/force tapping left. I tried wine glass grip, but that's not very comfortable.

How do you guys manage?

I've also tried combinations of larger actuator, bat top, and stiffer spring, but didn't really like it and put it back to stock sanwa.
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Using that OTHER green guy
I grip the stick with pinky and ring on the shaft and the rest on the ball. That way, dashing left uses mostly thumb with some support from the fingers down lower.


I play on stick, but dashing is definitely easier on a pad.

Doing sonya's ms>3,run, 12,12,124 in the corner is so much easier on pad and I don't even play on pad. Very frustrating.


Up-playing loyalist
If you want to use stick you gotta just keep playing. Experiment with grips and eventually stick to something where you have good control. Go into practice mode and grind out your trouble areas. It's somewhat like learning an instrument, just like pad.