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Arcade stick on PC questions


Do all arcade sticks get recognized by PC, or do you gotta have specific PC support, like most Qanba sticks have, for example ?

I heard that the LT, RT inputs are not supported well on PC, if you a get xbox version of an arcade stick. Works fine if you choose a ps3 model... Is this true ? Does anyone use an xbox 360 stick on pc with mkx, or other games and can say anything about this ?

I`m asking because i wonna buy qanba q1 for pc, and i would rather buy the 360/PC version, because the 360 drivers are fully supported on PC, displays the buttons properly for games supporting xbox controllers on PC.


Shingo Kick!
I don't know if any Xbox sticks work with pc properly. I've tried my Xbox one atrox a 360 mad cats and a hori stick and all 3 had issues with lt and rt not wit working but our ps3 chunli stick worked fine.


Purple Glowy Stuff
I can't do the cool tutorial thread for you because i'm lazy and uninvested, but you'll need to mod your stick for pc unless it was sold as a pc stick. some xbox stuff works because xbox/windows get along.

MC Cthulhu PCB mod is what you will need. +Wirecutters, mini flathead, some other junk like i said im lazy but i did it already.

MK has never been heavy on stick enthusiasts, head over to [the other fg that uses sticks fo sho site] and they have about 40 different stick compatibility threads.

edit: phrasing