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Arcade Days (a shout out to the old school player)


Too old for this Shit
It would be a major oversite with the release of a crisp new fighter, to not pay homage to the roots where the blood shed began.. The Arcade! Ohh the feeling on that special day when the newest cabinet got rolled in and plugged in... It was Nirvana!! And looking back, I believe I spent a college education in quarters, and would gladly do so again.
So if you ever wrote down the character moves and fatalities on paper, which was passed around religiously, if you ever stacked your quarter on the glass for NEXT...
Share your memories of YOUR arcade! How old were you? How old was your competition? What was the lighting? The smell? Which side stick was broken? Which buttons stuck?
While we all had different Arcades, the shared stories and experience will be eerily similar.
R.I.P. Arcade
You are missed!