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[April 5th, 2014] Michigan Ranbats at Schoolcraft


Man of Tomorrow
Come on out and see where you stand among the best fighting game players in Metro Detroit in 2014! Ranked tournaments and plenty of casuals at the event.

== Updates ==

- We're back at Schoolcraft this time, with the regular Schoolcraft start times. $10 entry fees once again.

- Waiting for info on Smash Bros

=== DATE & TIME ===
Saturday, April 5th
1:00pm to 9:00pm

=== LOCATION ===
Schoolcraft VisTaTech Center & Waterman Campus Center
- Waterman Lower Level

Google Maps link: http://bit.ly/10DfRSe
Quick driving map: http://i1.minus.com/ibcmDDKyL8dxc.jpg
Campus map: http://i1.minus.com/iMbdfcxjvJfu4.jpg

FREE! Can't miss the big, open N Parking lot.

=== PRICING ===

$5 venue fee - If you want to enter a tournament or play casuals you must pay venue fee. Spectating is free!

WAIVE YOUR VENUE FEE: Bring a full FGC setup for casuals and get your venue fee waived.

Pricing for individual tournaments is listed for each game in the schedule

All tournaments pay out to top-3 at 70%/20%/10% if there are 8 players or more, any less and pay out goes to top-2 at an 80%/20% split.


All games will be run on Xbox 360 unless noted otherwise, please be prepared!

Doors open around 1pm, registration will be open for all games 1 hour prior to their start time and close 10 minutes before their start time.

2PM Registration Opens. 3PM Start.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 ($10)

3PM Registration Opens. 4PM Start.
Injustice: Gods Among Us ($10)

4PM Registration Opens. 5PM Start.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ($10)

5PM Registration Opens. 6PM Start.
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition 2012 ($10)

=== FGC RULES ===

Rules for the 4 main games are standard tournament rules.

- Standard round and time setting for each game.
- Matches are best 2 out of 3 games (3 out of 5 for Marvel/Injustice and for Winners, Losers, and Grand finals of all games).
- Loser gets to change character/team (winner can change Ultra in SF4)
- Injustice only: Stages are selected the same way no matter who just won or lost.
- Buttons can be set to anything allowed by the game, turbo and programmed controllers are not allowed

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be best 3/5 rounds, 2/3 games. Finals are 3/5 games.

=== FOOD ===

There will be pizza available around 3PM at the venue, and there are plenty of places to get food from both north and south of the venue along Haggerty road.

=== LINKS ===

FGC Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/addmitt

Michigan Fighting Game Community Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/148687751876381/

Brackets for all games: http://mifgc.challonge.com/


Good stuff Compbros. Hopefully this reaches some Michigan players! Come on out if any of you guys are near this. ^_^


CORN | gpmoney. Saltier than a bag of chips.
Hopefully more show up. Too bad espio dosnt play anymore and macro and compbros cant make it.


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
Oh wow these are actually close by me. I may actually have to attend to these in the future if I can get a ride.
Reactions: JDM


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
I'm not going to be able to all this month, but in May i'd like to certainly attend.