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anyone still use kaillera?


I'm trying to find some new (well new to me) umk3 players who use kaillera. anyone down for some games? leave your aim, yahoo, or msn name here or msg me at mud409 on aim or yahoo and if you use msn same screenname just add @gmail.com or I'm usually in #mk or #srkkailelra on IRC


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
waste of time lol

I played you, you won, like 3 matches and then I begun kicking your ass and the excuses didn't take too long to show
"I hate sonya, picked her by accident"
"I hate usub vs rsmoke"
"too much mk2"
"I haven't played this in the whole week"
"I'm seriously sucking" well that wasn't an excuse, its just the truth lol
and so on

then I REALLY begun to kick your ass again and
"omg it's too laggy"
"your conection sucks"
"that's why you're winning, you're used to delay"
"maybe you have no delay at all, it says for me 100ms"

I was getting 160 lol
that's not that bad in any case.
I played flames and crazy dominican with the exact same conditions. they kicked my ass.
it's just you suck kid. don't take it personal (racist stuff, etc that kind of lame shit that someones says when they run out of excuses/arguments/words and the other person is ROTFL @ your scrubiness)

I blocked you, so you know. practice more and stop playing mk2 IF its ruining your umk3 play jajajajaajajajaj
i had 4 wins in a row on soul rush, but that was after he had 6 on me lol,we had some good matches though,hes good. this is my 5th day on and i can say i love kaillera,if anyone wants to play hit me up tonight,good matches the other night Dreamcatcher,we gotta do it again with no lag.hey ninja, hit me up ill play you if your down


I play on Kaillera a bit, send me a message on aim if anyone wants to play: xkartarx

I've played mud a few times and don't remember him complaining about lag or trash talking. I know NinjaGrinder is on a different level (more skilled) than I am, though.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
hey ninja, hit me up ill play you if your down
dude add me on msn
its on that thread for the contact information to play online.

I've played mud a few times and don't remember him complaining about lag or trash talking. I know NinjaGrinder is on a different level (more skilled) than I am, though.
idk, maybe he was angry his tactics were being useless jaja

the last match he even did a mercy on me, and I came back and won LOL
he dropped as soon as the next match begun xD


First off I never claimed to be some dope player in umk3, I'm decent at best... You caught me after I was already irritated about mad shit and had only played mk2 only for at least a week before hand, and your lovely 300k connection just added to the irritation.

I can get owned all day on a decent connection and not say a word about it. I don't give a fuck as long as the game is playing good and I have my fair chance. But if I'm getting owned largely due to someones shit connection it gets on my nerves. The fact I even won matches against you on that shitty of a connection is rather amusing... You claimed to never play online yet seemed to have no problem with your "160" ping. Excellent blocking response and no combos dropped, yet I'm dropping mad simple combos due to button loss/delay and blocking was a fucking joke. If I had known you were on a 300k connection period let alone in a 300k in colombia I wouldn't have agreed to a match...

I still don't get how people down there play so well on such shitty connections... Maybe it's all that sega master system mk3 training.


as well I do apologize for any shit talking that occurred during those matches... I don't think anything was spewed till you called me a scrub. But none the less I'm not a fan of shit talking in any sense.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat

as I said before, I've played flames, crazy dominican and DC hustle on the same, exact conditions and the kicked my ass. they're better than me. a lot.

and if it was THAT laggy for you, how come you played me, like 10-15 matches? maybe even more dude.

you could always have said "fuck this shit, it's too laggy, sorry I can't play like that, piss off, dude" ON MATCH # 1.

but no, the moment you started to loss, the excuses filled the air.

what was that shit about picking chars by accident? hating some match ups (only after you lost, lol) and all that stuff.

If I remember correctly, I said almost all this stuff at that moment, and you said the first matches were ok, and then it started to lag and shit. why did you keep playing that long on a shitty connection?

I was only "lol ok" "yeah right" and stuff but as soon as you dropped, I called you a scrub. that's you my man. only making excuses when losing, saying nothing while whining ;)

and you do pretty good with the shit-racist-thrash talking for being someone who's "not a fan of shit talking in any sense"


I did apologize for talking shit, did I not? would anyone who is into talking shit man up and apologize for it? you caught me on a real bad day under some weird circumstances.

I never knocked your race. I knocked where you live and the internet connections there. and none of that was said till you called me a scrub... I was annoyed before that and complaining but none of that went down till you pulled the s word. I must say I'm always a bit on the defensive/shit talking side because latins are so notorious for doing so... You guys make an art out of it. Though you weren't bad about it and I did jump the gun on the situation... bad day what can I say?

I kept playing in hopes the connection would start getting good again, like it was when we started. I actually dropped from the game to restart it cause sometimes it's the p2p client that gets delayed, but that's when the battle really started and I decided to drop from the game all together rather than restart it... you're right about that, but you also started spewing scrub before that...

Regardless, none of this matters because I'm not here to argue who's a better player or who's a scrub or anything like that so if you want to keep egging on this situation even after I apologized for talking shit, go for it...
I'm sure it'll be an enjoyable one sided battle.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
just remember the only reason you are apologizing for, is my post about it. you just want people that think you're kind and stuff.

I don't need to lie about it, the first time I called you a scrub, was on msn AFTER you dropped.
it was something like

me: wow
me: unbelievable
you: what?
me: your scrubiness
me: lol

yeah let's not "argue" anymore. "apology" accepted ;)
i play on kaillera, reps emulinker,the UK server, im from moscow(thats why my english so bad:)) my ping is about 70-80ms ... and we dont use aol,yahoo or msn in Russia, i have only icq(295059118)
Id rather not fuck around with my pc by downloading shady programs. Pc is for business... gaming consoles for gamers. My 2 cents...Buck up and buy a 360 and play with the rest of the world...imo youll be spending way too much time waiting for an opponent.


360 just isn't for me... I'm not a fan of voice chat, and there's no way to type messages in game, I like silent kombat with my game and I don't like to have to play pit over and over again just to have sk. one of these days I might get around to patching a 360 controller into some arcade controls and get on live again... until then it's kaillera for me.

plus if there was anything shady about mame 0.64 after this long I think we'd hear about it.


I came back from spending a week at the beach for spring break, turned on my laptop, and was treated to the sight of my monitor fizzling out right in front of me. So yeah, I might not be able to play for a while :(