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anybody have the Mortal Kombat fight stick?

I was thinking of getting one since I play MK9 ALOT. Do you guys recommend getting it? Is it better than using a standard controller?


The Free Meter Police
I was thinking of getting one since I play MK9 ALOT. Do you guys recommend getting it? Is it better than using a standard controller?
Well there's two things to address here,

The first thing to address is that stick vs controller (or pad) is totally personal preference. I personally play way better on a stick than I do a controller. The stick is much more intuitive than sliding my thumb around on a dpad. Not to mention that i can assign a finger to each button for the attacks instead of using 1 thumb to slide around.

Secondly, I have the MK9 PDP stick and it works well for me. The only downside, I think, is that it's so big. When walking around tournaments it's really hard to not want to set it down somewhere. Other than that, I think it's a great collector's item and if you like the MK9 button layout it's a great product.


That's about right.
I play on a stick, fighting pad, and controller. Whereas the choice is related to preference sometimes it's easier to pull certain combos off with a fightstick after you get use to it. For MK a fightstick isn't necessary. I use a fighting pad for it. Tekken and Soul Calibur on the other hand I use a stick for. If you decide on a stick don't get the MK 1 if you plan on using it for other games. This fightstick works good for MK but is unorthodox for other fg's.


I'll just second what the others said. Its prefernce, but if you're going to use it for nonMK games then you don't want the MK layout.

That said, i love playing on the MK layout stick I got. Its fun, and its easier for me to do moves than with the pad. I don't fat finger the buttons anymore, although my accuracy with the stick itself could still use improvement. But that will come. I don't reget it at all, and its made me a better player.