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Any1 made recovery discs for there computers


Jus wondering if any of you made recovery discs for ur computers. Incase any failure or big virus u cant get rid of or anything happens to the computer. U can restore it 2 factory settings (Like when u turned on computer for the 1st time when u bought it BRAND NEW)

The guy who gave me advice when i had that big virus on my acer laptop. Once i wiped hard drive and restored the laptop to factory settings. He said make recovery discs

He also told me som computers com wit recovery discs when u buy computer
But if u dont get them u make them urself

When i had that big virus on my acer laptop i cudnt access any programs. Luckly enough my acer laptop had recovery built in (not sure if every company has this). Turn on acer laptop then keep pressing ALT+F10 until this menu coms up then follow instructions...

I used the programs that came with the laptops

I made Recovery discs for my Acer laptop and my lil sis sony pink viao laptop 2day

Acer laptop took 2 dvd discs
Sony laptop took 3 dvd discs
If my computer has turned to complete trash then I generally will just reformat the hard drive, reinstall windows and drivers. I've found this can faster than spending hours attempting to fix the comp if you arn't sure of the problem (running multiple scans etc can take a while). Although doing this is last resort for me, if i can't fix the issues :)


I usually reinstall windows when something is up..

But using Norton Ghost to make an image of your HD is a good solution aswell.

You can insert your image and your HD will be restored to what it was, even if windows is unable to boot.


I actually just wiped my HD yesterday. There is a great video on how to do it with saving your data on butterscotch.com (I think that was the name) It's useful as hell if you are computer retarded like me.


Arcade Tech
ScheissNussen said:
Looks like I am going to have to mess with some recovery discs on my Win7 machine now lol. My machine was running slow today so I rebooted and got a blue screen before Windows would boot.

No idea what the problem is, and I can't use a restore disc unless I boot Windows. I can only get into safe mode and it won't let me restore from there : /

At least I can save everything on an external hdd in safe mode I guess, but that is taking forever for some reason too.
go into ur bios and set it to boot from disc, that should work for a restore disc.


ScheissNussen said:
Didn't work and now my laptop is shit.
Hopefully Gateway will hook me up since it is so new.

I think the hard drive died for whatever reason. I've spent about two full days working on it so far. They better at least give me a new hard drive and / or Win7 disc.

It most prob isn't your HD, I had 3 or 4 die on me, they don't do much other then rattle and make ticking noises.

It does sound like a hardware problem though.
I recently had some kind of fake antispyware virus install itself on my computer. I'm not sure if this will help you guys but there is a feature in which I restored my computer to a previous state where it was working. For example, a couple of days ago I restored my computer to a saved state in July when every thing was working and I had no viruses. That seemed to get rid of the fake antispyware virus because it happened after that date in July. I didn't need to go back to factory status and erase every thing.


I recently had some kind of fake antispyware virus install itself on my computer. I'm not sure if this will help you guys but there is a feature in which I restored my computer to a previous state where it was working. For example, a couple of days ago I restored my computer to a saved state in July when every thing was working and I had no viruses. That seemed to get rid of the fake antispyware virus because it happened after that date in July. I didn't need to go back to factory status and erase every thing.

Hehe, do a scan man..

It's called a "fake Rogue anti-spyware" program, and restoring windows might not cut it.
Virus and such often nest inside system restore and they 'restore' along side with windows.

Best way is to see if your virus scanner can handle it, if not google on how to remove such a virus/spyware.
My main laptop came with one recovery disc cd. My other two laptops I have has the data on the pc. So for two, I can just create recovery discs (which I have.) My main laptop I depend on the factory cd it came in when I bought it. That factory recovery disc I been trying to rip the data on it or copy the image but it wont copy 100% of the files. I am using imgburn for it... since I can't copy that disc I put it in a safe place just in case.