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Any way to block players from repeatedly challenging you in a lobby?


I kept declining and ignoring one player, but he kept challenging. Under File Complaint, there is no option for harrassing players over lobbies; only text, video, etc. And there's no block option in the lobby.


Isn't there an ignore button? Can't fully remember rarely play in public rooms. Either way its online I remember sending people with high records who just stayed in lobbies cherry picking noobs loads of challenges lol, not saying your one of them but don't take it as harrassment - some people just want a game.
I don't think directly, but you can find his gamertag through the Xbox dashboard and I believe there's an "avoid this player" option to prevent from encountering him in the future...but that's probably just for matchmaking, and probably doesn't work with MK where someone challenges you directly.

Just record an audio message of an airhorn right into your mic and send it to him. :)


There is an ignore option on MK. When you get a challenge you don't want to entertain, just hit Y(XBox) or Triangle(PS3) when you get the challenge and it will put them on ignore. They will not be able to send you any more challenges. You can also do it without them challenging you. Just find the name in the chat room, bring up the box that you would use to challenge them, and hit ignore. It's at the top of the box.


There is an ignore option on MK. When you get a challenge you don't want to entertain, just hit Y(XBox) or Triangle(PS3) when you get the challenge and it will put them on ignore. They will not be able to send you any more challenges. You can also do it without them challenging you. Just find the name in the chat room, bring up the box that you would use to challenge them, and hit ignore. It's at the top of the box.
Does that stay in effect even after you quit the game?