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Question - Ancestral Any video to share?


I want to start using this character but I haven´t been able to find good videos or even matchs at YouTube, can you share any video with me? Thanks!


Thanks for sharing! I also found Maximilian facing the best Ancestral I have ever seen, the fight starts at min 2:14
I´m finding very hard to understand how to do those 50/50 and they look extremely dummy! LOL I feel such a noob!


Gay Hawkeye
Thanks for sharing! I also found Maximilian facing the best Ancestral I have ever seen, the fight starts at min 2:14
I´m finding very hard to understand how to do those 50/50 and they look extremely dummy! LOL I feel such a noob!
So that's who they mean when they say 'Ancestral god in Maximillian's stream.' You'd think it was Slayer playing with those sick conversions he was doing. Thanks for sharing this, man.