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Any Interest for a Midwest High Roller MK 9 Tournament?

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
So for over a year now, we've been holding a monthly event in Indianapolis called "Godlike Sundays". For the past several months now, we've been averaging anywhere from 40 - 60 players per month. We host the standard fair of games (AE, Marvel, TTT2, SFxT, Injustice, etc.) This month, we will be doing a high roller tournament for KOF XIII. Game entry for it will be $25 and the payout will go to the Top 3.

This September, we are thinking about hosting another high roller tournament, but this time for MK 9. Same rules apply: $25 game entry to enter the high roller tourney, Top 3 will pay out 70/20/10. From what I was told, we would probably have three stations. While we don't have a stream, we will still be able to have each station's matches recorded. One of the stations will also have live commentary.

But I was hoping to get a feel of those who would be interested, so I am going to tag as many Midwestern peeps that I can think of:

GGA 16 Bit, GGA Dizzy, Wafflez, GGA HAN, GGA soonk, AK Pig Of The Hut, FOREVER KING, Perfect Legend, FrothyOmen, RiBBz22

Everyone, please feel free to tag anyone else that I might have left out.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
From what I was told, we would probably have three stations. While we don't have a stream, we will still be able to have each station's matches recorded. One of the stations will also have live commentary.
That sounds sick. High roller tourney is right up my alley. I don't play anymore, but if I did I would eat this shit up. SOT Semi Evil Ryu where can I stay updated on high roller events for all games? I can spread the word to CoCo and try to get a van of people over there every now and then.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
That sounds sick. High roller tourney is right up my alley. I don't play anymore, but if I did I would eat this shit up. SOT Semi Evil Ryu where can I stay updated on high roller events for all games? I can spread the word to CoCo and try to get a van of people over there every now and then.
From the sounds of it, we're going to start doing a high roller tourney each month. We're just going to rotate the game each month. I'll be posting our monthly events in the Tournament forum, so you can see which game is the high roller for that event. I'll be posting our August event in there later tonight.
From the sounds of it, we're going to start doing a high roller tourney each month. We're just going to rotate the game each month. I'll be posting our monthly events in the Tournament forum, so you can see which game is the high roller for that event. I'll be posting our August event in there later tonight.
Awesome dude. If you remember, tag me in all that stuff. I don't have the desire to train to the level of being competitive anymore, but I'm more than happy to try getting more support for your events from Ohio. Keep in touch :)

SoT Illgamesh

Defender of Bludhaven
Hello guys I am NB|SoT Illgamesh. I am the one that's currently doing the planning and setup for this tournament series. This series of events will be name The Rushdown Tournament Series. Currently it looks like we will be running side by side with the Godlike Sunday tournament but in the future we might be running RTS on Saturdays and Godlike on Sundays. I will definitely keep you all posted on this as things are finalized. The event will be 3/5 for pools and 5/9 for Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals. We will hopefully have two fully operational streaming stations that will do commentary and several AverMedia Live Gamer Portables recording off stream matches so everyone will get recorded footage so the game can be fully featured. I am working on figuring out the last bit of it out and talking to sponsors for possible pot bonuses. I hope that you guys are able to make it and it can become an awesome event for people to look forward to!