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Anti Air Combos


So what are Jax's good AA's and combos? We all know about db1 but its too slow to pull off on reaction. Crouchjab works much better and can lead into a 1 2, air gotcha at the least.

Share what you find..

crouchjab dash 1 2, dash 1 2, dash punch (19%) :)en24% )
Whatever > (dash > 1)x? > Gotcha Grab/Air Gotcha Grab/Dash Punch/EX Dash Punch (??%)

And Air Gotcha isn't too slow to do on reaction considering you get invulnerability to air attacks when you start it. The issue is it can't deal with cross-ups well; but on normal jump-ins, reaction with it is possible and possibly preferable.
Air invulnerability, a switch in positioning if that's what places them closer to the corner, and untechable knockdown. And a bit of meter, I guess.
Oh, right, and it grabs through armor, so it'll beat out Kung Lao's EX Teleport, Cyber Sub-Zero's X-ray, EX Dash Punch, etc. I usually just base my decision of which one to use solely on which side I want them to be on, but some people might prefer the zoning game with ground pounds after the uppercut over the alternative...
Hmm, I could've sworn I've grabbed through armored moves, but I just tested it again and I guess it doesn't actually grab armored moves, but they take damage from the hand hitting them and you invuln right through it.