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Another Injustice review


Neutral Skipper
Even though this dude's English is practically unreadable, they gave it a good score; I pretty much just posted this to counter that abortion of a review that was posted the other day.


Neutral Skipper
Best parts:

"The game is one of the fighting games, which is loved by most of the players Arabs and the West", and "You naughty boy with a network of gaming gold". Lmfao.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
Here's a video review

It does contain SPOILERS, but also covers some really interesting points (hitting Doomsday into Doomsday?). Also, the low score (7.5) is indicative of someone that doesn't play fighting games, IMHO.


Really likes to throw things at you.
I was deeply worried that Injustice wouldn't be an Age game.

However, with this review giving Injustice a 9 in the Age game category, I can now rest easy.
I wish I could like this post more
Edit: you can clost htis thread now... he officially made the best post