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Android Apps and Games.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Post good ones.

Audiobooks- Free app that accesses the librivox.org public domain audiobook files. Has titles ranging from "The Art of War" to "Flatland"

Wikipedia- self explainitory, much faster and cleaner wikipedia use than in browser.

Dolphin Browser- enables you to view websites desktop versions, great for sites that dont have/have a crappy mobile site.

Screen filter- Dims your screen for easier night time reading.

Polyglot- Language resource with spoken audio.

Gamefront- decent production value Video walkthroughs of popular games.

Streamiefree- only good app I have found for viewing justin/ Twitch streams.

Beyond Pod- Pod cast/ Rss resource.


GTA3- 5 bucks. Full game. Port of the PC version so there are multitudes of great mods for it. Its been a long time since I played it on the ps2 but it seems there is a pretty drastic improvement in graphics.

Game Dev Story- addicting little game where you hire staff and try to make good games.

Robotek- interesting game that mixes chance and strategy really well.

Alchemy- Mix "elements" to make new ones, super addicting and very satisfying when you make something new.

Also, since I am thinking about it, if you are on a desktop and looking for good, free, and helpful programs check out ninite.com it is a resource that lists some very good programs for all purposes, and will install them in a large batch for you. Great if you have a new p.c.