Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!

Ketchup & Mustard, two of the most well respected and recognized figures in the fighting game community AND in eSports today are here TODAY for an AMA to answer your questions about Mortal Kombat 11 and all things eSports!!
As pro competitors, pro commentators and pro analysts this is your chance to pick a couple of the best minds in the FGC today!
Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. With the new hop move mechanic, does that mean that moves like instant air fireballs, instant air jump attacks, and instant air divekicks are now gone for MK11?
We actually don't know. We couldn't really figure out too much about the short hop mechanic. But it could theoretically change how instant airs work.
Excited to find out honestly.
- K&M
How difficult do the d2 Krushing blows seem to be to combo off of?
Is wake up up3 punishable with a jump in?
If there was 1 think you would change about the build you played last week, what would it be?
Thank you guys so much for doing this! The Choose Your Destiny videos are amazing - keep up the good work!
D2 KB combos are actually very simple once you figure out the timing. They are easily one of the most satisfying moves in the history of MK because the D2 only KBs off a Kounter Hit. After practice, it's no different to any other combo. Anyone used to comboing off X-Rays in MK9 will feel similar here.
Wakeup U3 is invincible in general, but you could in theory make it wiff and NJP it. That would in theory make you vulnerable to wakeup U2 though and launchable. We think maybe flawless block may be the answer to wakeups, but we'll have to test when we play it next!
We would like to see future builds display Krushing Blows and their requirements in the pause menu. It's great for exploring, but it's such a key mechanic that it kind of needs to be out in the open so players can learn.
Thanks for your support!
What did you guys think of the new amplify/MB inputs? Thoughts on whether or not you prefer it to the old input
We were surprised at first as we've not seen something like this since the "pro moves" in MKvsDC (I know).
We got to grips with this mechanic very quickly and were already doing them off of memory after a handful of matches, we honestly don't mind the change and think people will be less afraid of it once they have their hands on the game themselves.
There's no denying that a simple EX input with block is easier, but we quite enjoyed the specific timing + new input as a breath of fresh air.
- K&M
What are the biggest qualities/habits that separates a good fighting game player from a great player?
How can a casual player use it to up their game?
This is a pretty heavy question as I'm sure many players who have experience high level would answer it differently.
Something that's always been important to us is a willingness to accept that it will take time and hard work, we know it sounds vague but genuinely it's an unavoidable part of becoming a great player from simply a good player.
But not only time but using that time well, some players can just grind ranked and get to a point they are happy with, but some can't improve without testing themselves against great players, you have to accept that you will lose often on the way up, one thing that has always seperated the best from the rest is the ability to learn from their losses, as opposed to simply getting upset or not playing anymore.
- K&M
- Is there anything you guys regret doing (or not doing) with MKX, that you plan to do different for MK11?
This is something that I in particular think about often.
MKX was the start of our journey as PROPER video creators. I have been making videos my entire life (dating all the way back to crappy lets plays when I was 15), but it was the release of MKX that finally gave us an audience.
I did the best I could with the limited hardware and knowledge, but I will never be satisfied with our first tutorials or guides. Even the character overviews were barely edited and we relied more in live discussion to convey the message. This resulted in rambling and videos being overly long.
You guys get a much clearer idea of our progression if you check out our recent MK Meta, Science of MKX or MK11 Choose Your Destiny videos. Scripts written, clean edits, fast and furious information. This is what 4 years of progress will do.
You can even go and check out the old Doom Multiplayer Tips and Tricks I used to make. This was my first taste at making sick montages for intros etc and you'll see similarities to how I made those compared to our modern MK content.
I am now satisfied with how we make videos in this style, and expect a lot of them in MK11. With time and experience comes natural progress. This is a lesson for all.
- Ketchup
Why do you love Deception's Konquest mode?
It was something never seen before by us in a Fighting Game, and it explored the MK lore in a way none of us had experienced.
Seeing the realms for the first time with so many characters thrown in alongside constant unlockables made it a very satisfying experience for us as kids, before a time of online play (in which we never even played due to having no internet).
It was a great game for MK fans and a nice change of pace from the usual 1v1 Kombat.
- K&M
Are Kustom Variations banned in tournament play?
This isn't a question we have a definitive answer for I'm afraid, the only people that know for sure are NRS.
- K&M
Who is (or will be) your main? And who are you guys hoping for in MK11?
Ketchup is hoping for Sektor, Chameleon, Rain or Nightwolf.
Mustard hopes for Cyrax, Shang Tsung and Kano.
Too early to tell about mains! Will have to wait for the final roster.
A couple of questions about some of the more recent character videos you guys did for MK11:
A few times in your videos, you've mentioned how the Variations in the build you were playing were missing some moves, that needed to be added into custom variations manually. Quote: "-Including those that were not in the default variations in the build".
This concerned me because it seemed like some Variations would be missing moves, meaning we won't have access to a character's entire move-kit and might necessitate some kind of unlocking system a-la Injustice 2. But according to this interview with Ed Boon, this is not the case.
Do you think that between those three variations, those will be a character’s entire moveset, or will there be custom-only moves?
No, I don’t think from the base three variations we’ll be adding to that. We want those things to be fixed, so players can know, "That’s the variation, I know how it plays, I’m learning how to fight against it.”
Across those three – that will be the character’s entire moveset
Yeah. We don’t want to leave stuff out, so I imagine that’ll be the base three, and they’ll encompass all of what that character can possibly do.
I guess I just wanted to ask, if you two had some insight into the certainty behind this? Were moves left out of the Variations in the build you all played just for demo purposes? I really hope we won't have to unlock moves, and have access to everything in the 3 default variations!
And many thanks for the content ya'll produce, I've been following you guys for years. Keep up the great work!
Let me clarify what the Reveal Build involved and what we mean by "default":
The MK11 reveal build had every single special move available to select in the Kustom Variation Builder. There, you could make any variation you wanted, both visually and mechanically.
That said, The build had 3 preset variations made by NRS that you could just choose in the character select (hence Boon's Main and Frozen AF, placeholder names.) However these variations did not collectively cover EVERY move you could use in the variation builder. To get some moves, you had to create your own variation and add them.
In the exhibition Mustard and I played, he offstream had created a custom baraka so that he could use the special move "gutted". As Baraka did not have that move in the 3 preset variations.
We have no insight in how variations will work in tournaments and the like. That said, we are big advocates for wanting the choice to use whatever move we please as so many moves in the builder were a lot of fun and it would be a shame to miss them out.
- K&M
Appreciate ya'll doing this
- Are female hurtboxes still a thing? if you noticed.
- I noticed watching honeybees matches that sonic fox air teched out of a combo took the round and his defensive bars completely regenerated during the end round animation. Later on in the video honeybee does the same thing but his didnt regenerate. The only 2 differences where 1. Sonic fox took the round after air teaching and 2. Honey bee did it leading into final round. If you could enlighten us on this inconsistency I'd really appreciate it.. for reference it happens at 7:15 and then 9:40
We didn't really test female hurtboxes. They've been a thing in ever other game though, so we'll keep an eye on it for sure.
When it comes to how the bar regenerates, we're honestly not conclusive on it either. It's been suggested in interviews etc that the meter regen can sometimes be based on moves used and other things, so I'd say it's just something we'll need to look into once the Beta is out.
We will make as many Choose your Destiny videos as possible. It would be great to cover the whole cast, but it depends on how much pre-release access creators will have!
- K&M
Good afternoon, brothers. Any chance of you guys stepping up to some competitive play in MK11? I understand you're both extremely fit to commentate/be Netherrealm employees, but I really miss watching you both play competitively
This kind of question is always a "TBD".
For the past few years, we've been far too busy as we actually do work in esports full time. Video creation is always done as/when we have time and any time off is usually spent with loved ones or recharging our batteries (Mustard is a married man for example).
Ketchup is still going strong with video creation and commentating games such as Quake on top of everything else. Any time he plays in tournament is for fun or for old time's sake (Combo Breaker 2018 was one of those).
We will never lose our passion for competitive. But over the years, priorities shift and change as our lives do. We're in a happy position right now and it's entirely thanks to our ongoing aspirations in the games industry.
- K&M
Who was your favorite character to play in the reveal build and why?
Ketchup - Definitely Scorpion. I admit I only played him because I was the most familiar as an Inferno user in MKX, but it didn't stop his new features being a lot of fun too. Felt right at home.
Mustard - Baraka was the most refreshing as somebody who used Baraka for fun in MK9, but Sub-Zero was the most fun because I could use different abilities and INSTANTLY be using a different character. He had the most variety.
How common do you think Flawless Block at high level play will be?
We can see flawless block being a staple in dealing with particular strings, projectile chip, and even perhaps enemy wakeup attacks on a hard read further down the line.
- K&M
Hey guys! Big fan of your commentary and your content on YouTube.
Question about the in-game music. You guys said in one of your previous tweets that the music in MK11 is much better, but I don't think it's really there yet with the 3 stages we've seen so far.
Are you guys satisfied with the music or would you like them to step it up a bit?
Thanks for the kind words!
The main reason we like the music in MK11 is because we've captured it isolated for video use and can therefore turn up the volume. The biggest thing about modern MK music is that whilst the tunes are actually really good, the voume is always too quiet for people to really appreciate it.
Personally, we would like to see the general music volume go up this time round as the OSTs so far have really matched the game.
- K&M
First off, just wanted to say the youtube video are easily the best fighting game content I have ever seen. Great production overall, gives me the information I crave as a competitive fighting game player while entertaining me as a MK Fan.
In regards to Competitive play, what are your biggest concerns in regards to playing this at tournament? Do you think that giving players the ability to choose movesets could unbalance the game and turn away the traditional FGC? I stopped playing MKX seriously due to the insane amount of patches constantly chaning the game.
Also do you like the block button? I feel like I'm the only one who liked it from MK9
Thanks for the support, happy to hear you're enjoying the MK11 coverage.
When it comes to competitive play, our biggest worry is players not being able to be as creative as they could as the stance on kustom variations in tournament seems to be very up in the air, both of us are big advocates for letting the kustom abilities be allowed in tournament based on what we have seen of the game and the potential we see in this system. We don't think this would be too much to learn as with any competitive game, knowledge is power. And any competitive player should strive to learn as much as possible about their game regardless.
Big fans of the block button, always have been always will be!
- K&M
Do you have high hopes for Triborg return or would you prefer separate Cybers like the past?
We would always prefer separate Cyborgs, but Triborg was an acceptable substitute.
- K&M
Thanks for taking the time to do this guys, and for all of your informative content so far!
As a fellow UK boi, do you have any predictions for breakout players over the course of MK11 from these fair isles?
Hoping I can make it up to HC every now and then for some games!
DizzyTT is by far the UK up and comer to watch. Injustice 2 was his taste at competitive FG's and at such a young age he has endless potential.
HeroesNZ is another one from personal experience. He made some waves in the IPS online EU cups and after playing him at Hyper Combo regularly in MKX, he has a great mind and is very smart/brave.
I foresee quite a few new faces into the MK11 scene that could make noise and excited to see more.
Come to HC!
You'll always be welcome.
With old characters making a return in MK11 base roster along with new blood, would a guest character be a more likely as DLC? Characters have 2 bars of defensive and offensive meter, but were there any variations that changed that, such as allowing transferring of one bar type to the other or limiting a character's meter type to increase the other?
Different amounts of bar is an interesting idea, but not something we saw at all in the build.
It does paint a what-if picture though, imagine if Shao Kahn ends up having 4 bars of offense meter and 0 defense hahaha, I'm interested to see if anything like that happens, if unlikely.
we definitely expect guest characters due to their previous success, but we'll see.
- K&M
First of all, thanks for doing this!
Secondly, as a newcomer to the series (NRS games in general) is there anything I can do to "prepare" for MK11? Do any of the characters have a similair feel to older characters or is there any fundamentals that you think would travel well between games?
Also curious with the amount of time you've had with the game so far, what are you two looking forward to the most?
You're welcome!
As a newcomer we recommend you play MKX for story purposes, but it's also similar in a few ways in terms of gameplay, albeit not in ways that will make a major difference, generally the poking game is similar but that's already a bit of a stretch, MK9 is also not a bad shout as it's of similar speed to MK11 but again, not by much.
We're excited to see what the story has in store as we're both huge MK fiends deep down, but gameplay wise we cannot wait to experiment with the Kustom variations in further detail.
- K&M
Are there any dbf inputs?
Can you hit confirm / cancel into specials?
Any news/info on the training mode? Was this mode available in the builds you played?
Will mk11 have a pro series tournament similar to the injustice games?
Many thanks in advanced!
There were no DBF inputs in the build we played.
Hitconfirming and cancelling into specials was definitely there, same as MK9/MKX.
No training mode in the build we have played and we know nothing about what a future training mode might contain.
We know nothing about a MK pro series of any kind, but we hope such a thing exists!
- K&M
Some Krushing Blows have kombo potential, but you can only do them once per match. Do you think that only being able to do a certain kombo once per match is good, bad, or is it not a big deal?
Also, I heard the movement is a little toned down. How does the game feel in regards to movement to you guys? Thanks!
Krushing Blow combos appeared to do a lot of damage, so only having that damage once a game doesn't seem to be all bad. Baraka had some 50% combos in that build without fatal Blow, so I'm thankful he can't do that every time.
Movement only felt toned down because of the lack of run. Gameplay wise, it felt like MK9 but with MKX Buttons. A crazy hybrid that was both refreshing and intuitive. After a few games we started to understand the movement and it was a lot of fun. Hard to call for any changes as we all played such a little amount of it compared to how much grinding gets done at home.
First of all, thanks for clarifying on the amp moves for me the other day Ryan, and late congratulations Jake! Thank you guys for all of the content throughout the years.
- Now that you guys are commentators and not playing on the scene, do you two ever feel like wanting to jump back in the grind instead of commentating it? And when you guys got started on FGs and competing in general, did it ever occur to you guys that you would end up where you are right now - how would young K&M react seeing this?
- Also Jake, how do you put up with Ryan being extremely salty in sets?
We honestly couldn't have dreamed about some of the opportunities we have had, we've met so many of our games industry idols through competitive gaming and content/commentary that we genuinely wouldn't have believed ourselves going back in time some years. We will always be players it's just a question of whether competing is something we truly want to do anymore, like we've said in another answer, it's just a matter of priorities shifting.
Also we're brothers, getting salty at each other is part of the deal!
- K&M
Hey guys, big fan! Do ninjas like Reptile, Ermac, etc have less of a chance of making the roster considering you can change scorpion and sub zeros shader to the other colored ninjas except for each other?
Once again we have no knowledge of the roster, but we wouldn't say it gives characters less chance because of other shaders? You could make scorpion and sub zero look pretty similar to each other in the build so I'd say we'll still have to wait and see.
Does backdash have invincible frames? If so, is it possible to backdash and cancel into a string? Is there a delayed wake up mechanic? Do you need to use the defensive meter to tech roll? When are you guys coming to NJ to play with me Troy and Miguel?
Hey Cossner!
We didn't really test backdashing but it didn't appear so. The wakeup system seemed entirely based on wakeup roll or wakeup U3/U2 and the mindgames around them.
We still have the East Coast on our bucket list as a place to visit. Hopefully we can get out there this year!
Hey K&M What do you think the biggest challenge will be moving from MKX to MK11?
Accepting it's a new game. Players that wanted MKX2 will have to adapt accordingly. No other way!
Aside from that, the speed is slower which takes getting used to. There is a much bigger focus on not being super aggressive.
- K&M
I've heard some talk that NRS is considering having the final build of MK11 use the meter burn button to enhance all the special moves, like in MKX and Injustice 2, as opposed to a different button or combination of buttons for each of the special moves as they had during the demo.
What do you think the like likelihood of this happening is and do you think it would be a good idea?
We'd say that's highly unlikely in our opinion, the amplify system is built around the new meter system, and as launch is so close we can't imagine that kind of dramatic change would be made.
We could be wrong of course, just our two cents.
- K&M
Are you worried about the 10 seconds duration of Fatal blows, being more launchable than xrays?
Fatal Blows are going to be something watched very closely, they do a lot of things differently to traditional X-Rays/Supers but obviously you only get one a game.
We feel like the safest thing is to just make them all punishable, as if your enemy blocks it you're gonna be getting it back soon anyway, but it should not come at the cost of nothing in our opinion.
We'll have to see what direction NRS go with it!
- K&M
People keep comparing Geras to Tremor. Did you feel they were particularly similar in some aspects? Is he a good replacement?
In no way shape or form did Geras play like Tremor. We expect the comparison is maybe made because of visuals? but that's a bit of a stretch.
- K&M
I’m super mixed on Fatal blows. On one hand they’ll be actually used, on the other I can see them becoming repetitive and boring to sit through. Creates tension but is it gimmicky? Lot more thoughts but curious about yours.
Fatal blows are awesome. An NRS game finally has consistent use for the super moves. Something the games have been severely lacking for many years.
- K&M
While Tag Mode does not look like it is returning, what are your thoughts if NRS put money behind a Tag Team League (in addition to Singles) in an attempt to justify a Tag Mode's existence?
Also, thoughts on people's hate toward MK music? I always found MK music, especially in the 3D era, to be decent. That Gearas trailer music was insane!
I forgot to ask, thoughts on the whole "Pause, restart" dilemma. Tournament mode option? Remove it entirely? Ignore it since its mostly an issue by non NRS players?
Tag mode would be sick, but if it ever were to exist, it would need to have an entire game dedicated to it. Otherwise something that complicated as an extra mode is just asking for balance troubles.
We personally really like the music, but as we mentioned earlier, the biggest issue is volume! If you turn up the MK11 OSTs, it's bangin'.
- K&M
What are your opinions on fatal blows as opposed to X-ray moves?
A welcome change, X Rays are visually incredible but were not as effective gameplay wise as a move of that level of resource should have been in our opinion.
Fatal Blows keep the cool visuals but finally give them a useful, practical application across all levels of play.
- K&M
Did you all get a chance to test out scorpions stance in terms of plus/safe/unsafe cancels? Could be an interesting way to play him if cancels are plus or have similar mind game to killer leatherface.
Also what was the cancel input?
Misery Blade didn't appear to have loopable cancels, but the ability to cancel it by pressing 1 is still important.
We didn't really know much about the frames so it's hard to tell if the options were super unsafe.
Either way, it's one of his more interesting moves.
- K&M
It seems like ground based combos are stronger/more reliable in this earlier build (based on watching videos) than air based combos, what is your take on this considering there are a number of characters who heavily favor air based combos as their go to bnbs. Also, awesome job on playing subzero, probably one of the only real showcases i've seen of him so far.
It's pretty early to have that feeling I think. We'll have to see how the combo system develops and how the rest of cast get their damage too! Combos across the board felt fine.
Mustard had a great time with Sub Zero. Very hard AI Sub Zero had some ridiculous combos. Tested them ourselves and it felt like they were god damn 1 frame links. Ha!
- K&M
What would the two of you change about MK11 in its current state?
Put Krushing blows in the move list, possibly change the colour of either offense or defense meter so it's more distinguishable to the casual/less invested viewer.
- K&M
Can you give more details on this game's "Gear System"? Do you just put different pieces on different areas to make the costume like in injustice? And do they have any bearing on your actual custom variation moveset?
From what we understand the kustomisation features:
Visually, let's you change your characters head piece, weapon/equipment and an accessory, as well as an overall colour scheme and your intro/outro, none of the visuals have any bearing on gameplay.
Abilities let you customise your moves, 3 slots in total and different abilities will take up different slots.
- K&M
What's your opinion on the extreme pacing changes Mortal Kombat gets by each entry of the series? How does it affect you in competition and commentary?
Based on Boon's interviews, competitive rules will still be played with standard variations. Do you guys think this was an aspect worth keeping since it will still limit characters on competitive play?
I'm so glad you guys are getting more spotlight, totally deserve the recognition! Even though I still get mixed by the true 50/50 if you guys don't introduce yourselves every time heh
We don't mind the change in speed game wise, we adore MKX but it's absolutely a constantly fast game and it will be nice with a change in pace, at first glance we feel like there will be more room for analytical commentary as opposed to non stop play-by-play if the game is slower.
Though the two of us would love to see kustom variations attempted in competitive play, we do trust what direction NRS wish to take it, all we hope for personally is that at least the premade variations have all available moves in some fahsion and nothing is left out.
Thanks for the support!
- K&M
I just want to quickly let you guys know that your YouTube content related on MK is by far the best! Thanks for taking your time and letting us ask you some questions
So, I do have some questions, whether they've already been asked I'm not entirely sure, but I hope they haven't, so you won't answer to something twice
- What are your thoughts on the new mechanics of the game?
- I personally love the new MB system, where you have to press specific buttons for each move, but do you think it'll hurt the casuals and/or newbies?
- How does the recharge offensive bar work? Is it like, depending on how strong the move is or is it universal for everyone?
- How are anti airs right now? Were they efficient enough or do you think NRS should buff them in the final product?
- Favourite character Intro and Outro.
Thanks for your nice comments!
- We love the new mechanics so far, Krushing blows really add a new flare to the game and are a new feature for players to strategise around and the implementation of Fatal Blows has a lot of potential.
- I think having anything be a specific timing/input as opposed to a blanket block+button will inevitably be harder for absolute casual players, but it's definitely something that is easier to remember than a combo string or an entirely new special move, amplifying from what we've seen usually is just press the same button again or a simple direction+button so we think people will be pleasantly surprised.
- Meter regeneration is still a bit of a mystery to us, we don't know the exact specifics unfortunately, aside from the fact that spending both bars quickly makes it regen incredibly slowly.
- Anti airs felt decent enough to us, though it's definitely something the playerbase is a bit torn on.
- Scorpion has gotta have the best intros so far, whilst Geras is possibly the best outro!
Do you think additional Fatal Blows, for each character, will be added, perhaps as DLC (similar to how there is multiple fatalities, brutalities, round taunts) since we will be seeing them in almost every match now and will get "sick" of them?
It sounds like a pointless venture, as mechanically they will need to do the same damage to be within the intended mechanics. We've never been one to get super tired of animations though, as over time they will simply be super moves and the damage is what we focus on in competitive.
- K&M
Do you remember if the last hit of Sub Zero's overhead in double kick string ends with another overhead? Because that would make a 3-way mixup and it scares me.
In the build, that string could not be special cancelled. Only the first overhead could.
What are your thoughts about newcomers from MKX returning? Besides Cassie, how many would you guess we'll have, and who has the best chances in your opinion?
Thanks for all the awesome MK11 content you're putting out!
We actually hope there isn't a huge amount of MKX new characters returning, there were a lot of awesome additions to the MK universe in MKX but for the sake of even more newcomers potentially coming in we'd rather see classic MK characters added first.
Though if we had to choose, Takeda, Kung Jin and Cassie are probably the 3 we'd like to see come back.
- K&M
How toned down are the combos? Are there any things you used to be able to do with combos that you deem impossible in MK11? And how reliant on krushing blows are combos?
Krushing blows are important for combos if the character doesnt have much other options, Baraka 122 krushing blows to launch but is his only base launcher, so for him it's super important, other characters could be similar but we wont know until we see what all the krushing blows are.
the combos seem toned down meterlessly, but spending bar to amplify and launch/extend is very similar to the way combos have always worked.
- K&M
And that's all we have time for today.
Thanks to everyone for your questions, we've had a lot of fun here today and we hope we have shed some light on things or generally entertained you all.
Huge thanks to Thalion for making this happen.
See you around!
- K&M