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AI suggestion(Why I feel it's not as challenging)

Protagonist here, giving another AI suggestion. :)

Well, not really a suggestion, more of a critique on why I feel the AI is not as challenging. I'm not going to lie, I get my buttox beat by expert (well tag mainly...not that bad on 1v1)...but that's really because I don't play this game consistently. However, most people on here can beat expert fairly easily, and this is why I feel why:

AI issues:

-Dropped combos: A lot of times I can tell the AI is trying to get it's freak on and do a high damage combo....but to many times it drops short. This definitely needs to be a must to make the AI harder. They need to NOT drop there combos, so they can get high level damage. This would make players think twice about not blocking often, or whiffing moves that would be punished by a human player;speaking about punishing....

-Failure to punish: You know how most players try things online that they would never do in a tournament. Same applies to the AI. Most players do things to the AI, that they would probably never do online. Why? Simple, because the AI is bad at making the user pay. The AI needs to be better at punishing combos....and this should apply to every character. Every character should have a response to a punish....and it should be enough to make you think twice (though on hard they should occasionally drop combos, expert it should be rare).

For example, your scorpion, and your teleport is blocked. The AI, no matter what character, should punish you ALWAYS for doing that. That punish should be a high damage combo, not some petty special, but an actual juggle combo that does more than 20% (if the character can punish with that amount). Depending on the amount of meter a character has, should also decide the combo.....have an xray? Make the AI do xray combos! Have 2 bars? 2 bar combo! And so on.

-Random specials- The AI has a tendency to just throw out a random special...and good players are going to blow them up for that. The need to be more conserved when using a special....only in a combo, or for a punish. The punish part should happen a good percent of the time...but not to the point that it's obvious the game is reading your controller.

Ex. If you sit around and block...scorpion will sometimes do a random teleport for no reason! Your just asking the person to get free damage!

So yeah, these are my reasons. Not a 100% sure, but I tried, and I'm pretty sure this has been talked about. Well, I'm off to get better against expert. Give your thoughts! :)
these are good ideas, but i would rather they focus on more important things than the AI. i'd rather have a shitty AI than shitty online or shitty training mode or shitty gameplay.