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So I'm terrible with introductions... as such I'll try and keep it short. I'm axi0m (aka Diet Llama on XBL) I'm pushin 30 and have been playing MK since the original in arcades. I played UMK3 competitively but only in the very local scene so haven't really expanded beyond that.

I've been looking to get back into playing competitively and what better way than to switch my focus over to one of my favorite game series of all time. I'm currently debating between Ermac and Noob for main, but haven't decided 100% I'm liking smoke, but since I mained him in UMK3 and since he obviously plays MUCH differently now I may leave him alone.

That ended up being a lot more than I initially intended, but I look forward to playing with some of you and hopefully hitting up some local casuals or something if any are relatively close to my area. I really hope MK9 makes it as a competitive game, I'm loving it so far... except for some laggy online matches that is.