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AGDQ 2013 (January 6-12): SDA's charity marathon for The Prevent Cancer Foundation


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"The next charity event for SDA is coming soon! Awesome Games Done Quick returns for its 2013 season, January 6-12th! Once again the marathon will be benefiting the Prevent Cancer Foundation."
Yes, as you may know from previous coverage over the last couple of years, Speed Demos Archive has been hosting many events over the last few years to help raise money for different organizations such as the Organization for Autism Research, Doctors Without Borders, and the Prevent Cancer Foundation. This year is no different, as they keep their tradition of holding an event in January for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. In previous marathons for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, SDA has raised over $53,000 in 2011, and around $149,000 in 2012. You can help this year and get that donation count even higher.

For this year's event, the marathon will be going on officially for 6 days, with a high chance of a few days of bonus streaming after everyone returns home. During the 6 days, members of SDA will be doing nonstop speedruns of popular, great, and not so great games for your amusement and to help raise money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Here's some highlights, and some of the crazy stuff that comes up during these marathons:

If that isn't enough for you for whatever reason, there are special events all throughout the marathon:

Prizes — Donate for a chance to win great prizes such as hand-knitted plushies, perlers, artwork, games, and even big grand prizes such as a real metal Master Sword, or a Wii bundle!
Donation bids for runs — As with every SDA marathon, you can donate for file names of your choice and for certain challenges in runs. However there are also challenges for different routes, character choices, difficulty levels, and more!
Races — If the excitement of seeing games demolished by speedrunners wasn't enough, then don't miss the intense speedrun races! Runners face off against each other to beat the game in record time!
Bonus Games — Throughout the event, opportunities will arise for some of your favorite games/runs from previous marathons to be showcased despite missing from the schedule.

Here's a video by SDA to explain further:

For more on the Prevent Cancer Foundation, here's their web site:

For more on Speed Demos Archive, feel free to check out their web site:
This is also where the stream is going to be hosted during the marathon, as well as the chip-in widgit for you to donate, if you wish. Keep in mind, you don't have to donate to watch the stream, but it would be greatly appreciated if you do, every little bit counts.

For more information on the marathon itself, please follow this link:
Included on the top of the page are tabs leading to the stream schedule, which includes information like the estimated start time for each game, how long the game is estimated to go on for, who is running the game, any extra details like special conditions, and what prizes (if any) can be won if you donate during the game. There is also a tab to show you the history of SDA marathons including archives of nearly all of the marathons.

I hope to see you there, and don't forget: the event starts at 1 PM EST time on January 6th.


I'm a literal Sloth
I know a lot of the runners and have watched all the other streams, this is gunna he awesome


How's my volume?
The marathon is going to begin in 50 minutes. Head to http://marathon.speeddemosarchive.com/ for the stream page (going to the main page also redirects you here). Below the stream and IRC chat is the donation widgit for those who wish to donate to the Prevent Cancer Foundation. As for the chatroom, the rules are at the bottom of the page.

The marathon will begin with Ape Escape, run by Skateman222 and will go for about an 1 hour 15 minutes.


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Congratulations to Skateman222 for getting a new personal best! Coming up next is Rachet and Clank (New Game+) run by Psynkux. If you donate $5 or more in a single donation during this run and Shadow Complex (Which comes right after Rachet and Clank) you have a chance of getting a random prize from the grab bag. Speaking of Shadow Complex, it will be a 100% run, but if the $200 goal is reached before it begins then the runner will also do an any% run, which is about 10 minutes long and is an entertaining glitchfest.


How's my volume?
Rachet and Clank is over (well done Psyknux), and now is Shadow Complex, run by Greenalink. Since the goal was reached, he will run both 100% and the much shorter any%. You can still donate to get a chance of getting a random prize from the first grab bag until that game ends.

After Shadow Complex is Michief Makers, and if the $250 goal is reached then they will also have a controller cam.

On a related note, I forgot about the two grand prizes for the marathon. Donate a total of $30 during the whole marathon to be in the running to get the Deluxe Wii U Package: "A US-region Deluxe Wii U with Nintendoland, a copy of NSMB U and Zombi U (which is M-rated), 2 wiimote plus-es and 2 nunchucks."
Donating a total of $40 during the marathon will get you in the running to get a Final Fantasy 8 Gunblade (complete with a rotating revolver).


How's my volume?
Shadow Complex is done, and now on stream is Mischief Makers (any%), run by PEACHES_. Donating at least $5 at once during the game gets you in the running to win your own copy of the game. This game will also feature a controller cam.

Following Mischief Makers is a race in Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland doing Metaknightmare mode, 100%.


I'm a literal Sloth
I've been watching these since the start and was a member of the RTA community before SRL was even a thing, I'm so glad this has continued to go on and I watch/donate every year :)


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Whoops fell asleep. In case I fall asleep again, here is the schedule for the next 12 hours:
Donkey Kong 64, run by Cfox7, any% glitched run, and the DK Rap playing at the beginning, with a Donkey Kong plushie as a possible prize if you donate at least $10 at once during the game. http://i.imgur.com/UUSCR.jpg

Following that is Banjo-Kazooie, run by Stivitybobo, 100% run, with the N64 mystery prize and Grab Bag 2 as possible prizes if you donate at least $5 at once during the game.

Afterwards is Super Mario RPG, run by Cyghfer, with Booster artwork, a japanese cartridge of SMRPG, and a Dodo perler as possible prizes if you donate at least $5 for the cartridge and perler, and $10 for the artwork. You can also donate to choose one of 6 doors that the runner will have to go through (he goes through 4 of the 6)
http://i.imgur.com/bCcGN.jpg Perler
http://i.imgur.com/rpFO8.jpg Art

And then Tony Hawk's Underground 2 is run by Chrno, and the third grab bag will begin and donatin at least $5 during the run will get you in he running to getting that prize.

Continuing from there is Trials: Evolution, run by Pootrain, where you can keep donating for the third grab bag prize, but only until the game ends. You can also donate to choose what color bike the player uses.

Later on is Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, run by PJ using only the torch, with an Arthur perler as a possible prize for those who donate at least $5 during the run.

Finally there is Battletoads and Double Dragon, run by PJ and Mecha Richter, with Battletoads & Double Dragon perlers, Jimmy and Billy perlers, the Batletoads VHS, and Double Dragon II (NES) complete in box as possible prizes by donating at least $5 for all but the Double Dragon perlers, which you will need to donate at least $15 during the run to be in the running to get.
http://i.imgur.com/gvqiX.jpg Battletoads perlers
http://i.imgur.com/sV2lm.jpg (one on the left) Battletoads VHS
http://imageshack.us/a/img72/1821/doubledragon2.png Jimmy and Billy perlers
http://i.imgur.com/MZnYVh.jpg Double Dragon perlers


How's my volume?
Up now is Super Mario Brothers 3, run by tjp7154, and it is a 100% run. By donating at least $5 during the run you have the chance to win a Super Mario Brothers 3 Cart (with box and manual), and the Super Mario Adventures comic.
http://i.imgur.com/WQmLH.jpg?1 The comic
By donating at least $10 you have the chance to win the "Angry Sun" print. http://i.imgur.com/pZJtN.jpg
By donating at least $20 during the run you have the chance to win a bunch of NES Mario perlers http://i.imgur.com/4vZmyh.jpg

Following that is Super Mario World, run by Dram55, Minion, and Feasel, and it is a 96 exit race. Donating at least $5 you can win some glow in the dark Boo perlers, or the Japanese Super Mario World cart.
Donating at least $10 during the run puts you in the running towards the "Towering Mario" print. http://i.imgur.com/Mnalv.jpg