
Official MK11 PS4, XB1, and Switch Release Notes 05/26/20
Below are the release notes for the 05/26 Mortal Kombat 11 update on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch: General Gameplay Adjustments Move list corrections Improvements to AI logic Added...

Below are the release notes for the 05/26 Mortal Kombat 11 update on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch:
General Gameplay Adjustments
- Move list corrections
- Improvements to AI logic
- Added several new Brutalities for players to discover
- Practice and Replay options setting BUTTON LOG now has an option for FULL which will display Right Stick inputs
- Breakaway Tutorial now includes a lesson for Armor Break attacks
- Right Stick inputs are no longer scanned when performing most Kombo Attacks and special move 2in1 cancels
- Fixed issue which could cause certain character's props to appear in the victory cutscene after Kronika is defeated
- Fixed issue with victim damage sounds sometimes persisting after a Quitality
- Added new options in Practice Mode > AI Options > Breakaway which allows timing to be adjusted (OFF, FAST, DELAY, LATE); FAST is the same as the Previous setting ON
- Fixed issue that could cause Practice Mode Kustom Getup/Reversal Playback to not come out on the first possible frame
- Fixed Practice Mode issue which could cause AI Options > Block Attack > (delay) to not work correctly on some attacks
- Practice Mode’s Kustom Getup/Reversal Playback now display inputs in the button log
- Practice Mode’s Kustom Getup/Reversal Playback now works properly with Fatal Blows
- Practice Mode’s Kustom Getup/Reversal order in menu changed to be after character specific attacks
- Fixed issue where some (Down + Back Punch) Krushing Blows against airborne opponents could cause background clipping when in the corner of some Arenas
- Fixed a rare issue with some throw cameras improperly tracking characters while certain modifiers are active
- The popup message "Block Attack Punish" is now properly displayed if a Block Attack is used to punish a cross-up jump attack
- Some damage over time debuffs can no longer linger on resurrecting characters under specific circumstances
- All Down + Front Punch attacks can be both high and low parried
- When Breakaway is performed, damage scaling is reset to a fixed value instead of a multiplier on the current combo damage scaling
Kombat League / Online
- Minor online stability improvements
- Fixed several rare online desync causes
- Added menu option to request a non-ranked set with opponent at the end of a Ranked set
- Added new Nether Forge Recipes for players to discover
- Added New Krypt Events
Towers of Time
- Added New Player Module Rewards
- Added New Boss Towers, Sidekick Towers, and Tag Towers
- Added elemental move tags to all characters’ movelists
- Augment functionality has been reworked; after logging into the game for the first time your existing augments will be converted to new ones & unsocketed; this can take some time to complete
- Added Jinsei Essence Augments, which can only be socketed into a Gear’s 3rd Augment slot and have powerful gameplay abilities
- Augments no longer require a specific Gear Slot but still require a matching Augment Socket Type
- There are now non-character specific Augments which can be used on any character
- Fixed several modifiers persisting on screen after the fight has ended
- Tag Towers no longer award a Flawless Victory when only the currently tagged in character is at full health
- Increased the amount of Konsumables rewarded for completing a tower
- Increased augment rewards to all tower platforms
- Increased rewards for brutal difficulty
- Tower Loot tables can now include Gear & Items rewards from AI Battle
Stage Specific Adjustments
- After using a Background Interaction to jump over your opponent, they will no longer sometimes take a long time to turnaround if they remain idle
- Amplified Background Interactions no longer have throw immunity
- Cyber Lin Kuei Assembly - Fixed a visual issue with Sawblade Interaction when it is interrupted at a specific timing
- Cyber Lin Kuei Assembly - Fixed an issue with Ice Bomb Interaction sometimes not visually freezing certain cloth on characters
- Lost Hive of the Kytinn - Fixed a visual issue with Ovipositor Stab Interaction sometimes being misaligned when performed by a character facing left
- Shang Tsung's Island Ruins - Fixed a visual issue with Mallet Interaction when it is interrupted at a specific timing