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Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
As some of you may, or may not know, I was applying for a job with L-3 Communications. The job would require me to be in Afghanistan for up to 5 years, but lets just say, I can come back and retire with the money they are paying. Just wanted to say I got hired today and will be gone for a while. I'll still have internet, but communication may be few and far between. I'll keep you posted with further details.

Tim Static

hope you got room for your cab where you are going!

But seriously, Mike, best wishes and safe trip. and thank you for all you've done for the community of MK cab lovers. Hope there is more!
dude, if you find a way to play any MK in afghanistan, im willing to bet you would be the first person in HISTORY and in the world to ever play mk out of that country. i know alot about afghanistan, a game of Mk has never ever been played in that country.


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Well, I leave tomorrow for Afghanistan. I'll have internet, but it will be few and far between. So, I guess, see you guys in a year or two.

Tim Static

MK3fan said:
Well, I leave tomorrow for Afghanistan. I'll have internet, but it will be few and far between. So, I guess, see you guys in a year or two.
Take care, bro. Keep in touch. We'll be thinking about ya!


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Thanks guys. Made it to Afghanistan today. The base is actually better than I expected. They have one of those shitty "Arcade Treasure" machines in the laundry room. It has MK1 on it. I played it. I sucked. I think it's set on Very Difficult because the AI acted different than when it's on Normal resulting in me not getting past the second opponent. Good times. Anyway, just wanted to say I made it and start working tomorrow. See ya.


MK3fan said:
Thanks guys. Made it to Afghanistan today. The base is actually better than I expected. They have one of those shitty "Arcade Treasure" machines in the laundry room. It has MK1 on it. I played it. I sucked. I think it's set on Very Difficult because the AI acted different than when it's on Normal resulting in me not getting past the second opponent. Good times. Anyway, just wanted to say I made it and start working tomorrow. See ya.
You travel half way across the world, only to have a MK1 cab there waiting for you, haha what are the chances.
Hope all goes your way over there man, keep in touch :)


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Almost got killed today. The Taliban launched a rocket from outside the base that hit just under the left wing of one of my planes, sending shrapnel that destroyed the left wing, left wing tip, and the power cart that was sitting next to the wing. The power cart was completely destroyed and the entire tail cone, vertical stab, and elevators were shredded with shrapnel. I was 50 feet away. One of the aircrew was hit in the leg and chest. As far as we know, he's ok. None of us maintainers were hit, even though we were just on the other side of the aircraft about 50 feet away.

All it takes is something like this to happen to make you realize that all the little bullshit things you complain about don't really matter and how much you need to enjoy life while you have it, because it could end just like that!