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advice ps4/xbox one


I am currently working in hong kong for a few months and playing on steam. I can get a match like...never. and if I do my fps is shoddy and lags to a point that is unacceptable. can I please get some opinions on wether i should purchase an xbox one or a ps4? MKX play better on one/have more people play on one? also does one get updates quicker? pc updates come like a month late or not at all and just lumped in with next one. I am a fighting game freak and leaning towards ps4 for SF5 but I'm not too crazy about giving up focus cancels and sf4 roster was so much better. Is KI good? Can I use my arcade stick my wife had made for my birthday that has my dj logo and MK on it (pc stick) on either console? Love that thing...you the bomb baby. Thanks in advance for replays!


Neither, netcode is shitty on both and it's even region locked on the PS4. Go explore Hong Kong instead, you'll have more fun. Your custom arcade stick might work for MKX on the PS4 if it's detected as a generic usb controller, if you want to use it for more games, you'll either have to mod it or buy a (Brook) converter.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
KI is practictally like practice mode online, Great Netcode!

On MKX: both systems have Input Lag Ranging from 6f-45Frame Input Lag.

Dont Let others tell you what console you should buy, it will ultimately come down to personal preferance!

Some others may dissagree with me but: i have been a Sony PlayStation Fanboy my whole life ever since PS1 Dropped, and Sadly im not to fond of PS4's Dual Shock 4!
to me the Options/Share and TouchPad get in the way when playing fighters, and many times i hit the share and or the options button in matches.
others may have the magic with thier controllers but in my experience i have gone through 7 PS4 controllers, those Damn R2/R1 buttons break like no tomorrow...
also i have checked the D-PAds and ran a test for a month on DS4, XB1P, HoriFC4 and out of all of them the Playstation4's D-PAd Gel pad wore down rather quickly. and that causes missed inbputs, for example one controller had problems with: :d+:r inputs, and another had problems with :u+either:ror:l so when i tried to jump in punch id do a neutral punch:)u+1/2) and you can see how that hinders reaction or sets you up badly!

The hori had its own problems with the rotating d-pad wearing out to where it could change lock point. but it had good buttons and triggers/bumpers.

My Xbox One has a great controller, but the D-Pad is a bit stiffer than the PS4 but you can get used to it:)

then there are many more factors that could help you make your desicion about which console to buy!

X Box One:
30-FPS 1080p DVR Game Recorder with Great Edit/Trim video Options in Upload studio! One drive/XBL onedrive
but DVR does not upload to YouTube currently
XB1 has Backwards Compatibility
Konnect works very well with system and voice commands!
Killer Instinct

30FPS 1080p DVR Game Recorder with Youtube Upload option
Exclusives +SFV
Share button is a godsend IMO

I love My XB1 and as soon as i get a Better DS4 for My PS4 at mybrothers, ill Love it as well.

Do your research on which one you think is better for the Exclusives and XB1 vs PS4 features.