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Advanced Gameplay Techniques by VERSA. . .


Tekken, SF4: AE, BB: CP, and Persona 4: Arena
Yo how can we forget the advanced tactics this mofo taught us. Please note, these techniques do NOT ONLY apply to SSF4 but ANY fighter as well including MK9.

1. Panic Button - The art of doing a high priority, but general unsafe attack at a time at which it isn't called for and/or is random.

Prime suspects for panic moves - shoryuken, blanka ball, balrog headbutt, tiger uppercut, poorly spaced tiger knee, green hand, foot press, ultras, supers.

2. Playing 2 Win - This is advanced panic button technique. Knocked down? Don't want to take a chance and..I dunno..maybe block or tech the throw coming up? Why not do an ultra when you get back up? Terrible option? Yes, but it's playing 2 win! Originated from P2W's insistence on doing Ultras on wake up.

3. Insurance Button - High level Panic Button. This is the art of doing a move that would NORMALLY be considered a panic button, but you're doing it because your opponent has no life left and are in a position where they have to block AND(most importantly) you know it will kill them. That's not panic, that's insurance!

4. Swag Surfing -

YouTube - [Official Music Video] Swag Surfing - F.L.Y. Fast Life Yungstaz with Lyrics - Man I Got That Swag

This is the art of using Akuma's teleport to get out of sticky situations. Also known as "Swag Surfing up outta there" by DC Hustle 106. Akuma has a mean, but subtle swagger when he teleport. He swag surfs out of the way.

5. HOLD UP - This is shouted out loud when you make a comeback of epic proprotions. You have no chance of winning, but somehow, you find a way. The swag force is now in your hands. "HOLD UP!"

6. IM MAD/TIGHT! - The art of expression your shock and anger over the "HOLD UP". This can also be applied when losing to a panic button that you know you should have blocked.

7. The Swagger Shuffle - Invented by Yayo. This is the art of knock the opponent down in the corner and following up with a turn around punch and then a headbutt while they're still grounded. The desired effect is that your opponent is completely insulted, but hypnotized by your brilliant swagger.

8. Panic Tissue – Invented by Bone. This is the art of tossing out Rose’s ultra at a random, out of nowhere time. This usually takes place when you are losing and the simple mindedness of your gameplay makes you think it is the only way to possibly win.

9. Championship Gief – A Zangief player who believes that all it takes to win are his green hand, lariat, 360, unsafe jumps and blocking. These are the type of Zangiefs you encounter in Championship mode.

10. Easy Mode – Generally referring to Ryu, Balrog, Sagat or Rufus, the easiest characters in the game to be effective with.

11. Sike Naw – If you immediately say this after your panic button is blocked and punished, you are forgiven for being an idiot. You have a window of 3 seconds. You must say Sike Naw before then.

12. “Yo Sagat is gay as shit!” – The art of being outplayed completely by your opponent, but sneaking a tiger uppercut xx fadc, f.hk, ultra in somewhere(Possibly from a panic button) and taking the momentum and potentially the match. Also known as “The Sagat Effect”

13. “Yo run dat back!” – You’re mad. You’re really mad. You just lost a fight you know you shouldn’t have lost and you want a rematch IMMEDIATELY.

14. Rage Select – The little brother of Rage Quitting. This is the art of aggressively, and QUICKLY picking your character due to being upset over a lost and wanting to avenge yourself immediately.

15. Cute – Your opponent does an overly complex combo or sets you up perfectly for something epic. Are you upset? Nah, you belittle them. You say “oh, that’s cute”


Guardian of Outworld
Hey great thread, but is any of this MK related. If so what material. Seems mostly SF specific. Suggest moving to other game material or philosphy.


Tekken, SF4: AE, BB: CP, and Persona 4: Arena
This is meant for humor purposes. As far as the SF references, just replace it with MK. Like if you completely get played out by Sub-Zero (who is considered high tier IIRC), then you can be like "Yo Sub is gay as shit!!!" Just be creative, or someone can come up with something similar to this.


Great guide NAKM. I heard that if someone uses the more ghetto sounding terms like: "swag surfing", "sike naw", or "yo run dat back" and you reply with "oh yeah....kinda like a g dawg, on a fly tip" that the mindgames are now in your favor. Any truth to that one?


Tekken, SF4: AE, BB: CP, and Persona 4: Arena
Something like that. They might end up in a dazed n confused state. Something similar to the Swag Shuffle, lol.