Just skip to 0:55 as the whole kabal thing was a bit of a vain attempt.
Shoutouts to Sonya Blake and Lulzlou for helping me with the vid.
So I just wanted to play around with the invincibility on AA grab. I saw this happen when playing with Error and I wanted to see if this could be a viable mobility tool.
Things to note:
Opponent must be in the air for invincibility to work. Doesn't matter what attack, so sektor's up missile, reptile's ex sfb, whatever.
Invincibility clearly does not last the entire duration of the AA grab.
If the attack makes contact while invincible, the attack does not lose it's active frames. If the attack is still active when you lose your invincibility frames, you will be hit out of the air.
Might be useful on sindel, kang, mileena, maybe kit?
Btw I'm not calling this shit new.