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A nice New Year's story.


So last night, after coming home and finding some parking, I was walking up to my building. It was a good half block walk and it was around 4am. There was only one other person around and as we crossed right by each other, he looked at me and wished me a happy new year. I returned the happy wishes and we both went our ways. I'm sure I will never see this guy ever again but it's little things like that that make me feel nice and toasty inside. Here's two people who are just complete strangers to each other and both just take the time to wish each other a happy new year.

I guess in the wake of what happened with the school shooting and just recently in NYC with some lady pushing a guy into an incoming train for no reason at all, it's good to see that some people just like wish each other well, even if they are complete strangers.

Happy New Years guys!