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A Little Message and Advice


Come On Die Young
So, as some of you who have talked to me recently might know, I decided to quit MK at least temporarily. My priorities have not been straight since last summer in large part due to this game. A good friend of mine killed himself last week, which was a bit of a wake-up call for me. I hadn't seen him since the summer, because I devoted so much of my time to this. My priorities were MK>School>Social Life, and I needed to change it to School+Social Life>MK.

But now I'm deciding not to. All I need to do, and what I know some others need to do, is to stop taking this game too seriously. You don't have to win to be good, and you don't have to be good. The priority in video games is fun. Usually with this game my mindset is "i better make sure i'm not rusty so i don't get blown up at this next event" rather then "i'm looking forward to this because it will be fun". That's what I'm going to think about now. I'm going to do this all for fun, and compete for fun. I'm probably not going to be in EVERY SINGLE STREAM and on top of everything now, but I don't really need to. 90% of what I do there is troll just because I want to be social, even though that's not really how I am. I know that some others are taking it too seriously, some top players need to settle down a bit too. We all picked up this game because it's fun and that's how it should be no matter the skill level.

I wanted to post this after hearing Hitoshura on the podcast. I'm really high right now so I don't even remember what he said that triggered it. But shoutouts to him. Some of this probably doesn't make sense too. lol


I'm a literal Sloth
Really sorry to hear that about your friend dude, just make sure not to disappear, I hope I get to see you one more time, because NEC was awesome as hell.

I hope you get everything figured out.


well done, youve adjusted yourself to reality like 99% of the population. sorry about your friend.


A prop on the stage of life.
Me too. I'm sorry for your loss man, and I'm not about to make some quirky mk joke about it either. I've been losing touch with the fun side of the game lately too. Its been "if I'm not winning I'm not having fun", but I guess online has been doing that to me. I think a break would be good, especially under your circumstances. Hell even a week off would probably do us all some good. Last week some little kids saw my friend and I playing and kinda just took our controllers(we were in public). We had to refrain from swearing and didn't really get upset at shit like dropping combos and stuff like that. Instead we laughed it off. Gotta say I hadn't felt like that about the game in a long time. My condolences to you bro. Hope you'll set your priorities straight for the future.


I took a month off TYM a while ago, due to too much time spent here, and it was cool. Wasn't too eager to come back, wasn't too off to never play either. Looking back, that break added some fun to the game, as you say. It's like going on vacation, moving to other places - a breath of fresh air, a break from constant thoughts. Plus the fun factor builds, anticipation factor is the shit!

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Glad to see you're back Rev0lver, despite our momentary differences -- I've always respected your game and you as a player. Our Rain v Kitana matches are some of the best matches I can possibly have with anyone on XBL. I hope you're okay, man. If you ever want to do some casual sparing -- add me on XBL.
Hope to see you succeed in this game man. I'm really sorry about your friend man, that's really big. I hope it all works out for you. By the way, I think i'm going to take your advice.


Digital Pro Sports
Fuck dude... sorry to hear that. I have much respect for you and although I've only met you once you're a legit, down to earth guy that I'm always happy to see at an event. Happy to hear you're not out for good, it would be quite the loss!


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
This game, MK9, should be the placed as one of the last and minor priorities in everyone's life, coming after a sort of many more major important things that come first.

The main question is very simple : nobody can live from playing this game, I'm sure that 100% of American players have a normal job to sustain themselves, and don't live only and exclusive from sponsors and tourney prizes.

If I'm wrong , someone please correct me my point of view, but, I cannot see someone living pure and exclusive from playing games .... maybe Daigo can do it nowadays, until the point he get bored with, or too old for this, and so, he probably gonna might end to have a job as everyone else, so, the only reason to take this game as main priority above others things, could be if this game might mean your main source to gain money, and to survive .... so, I think is not the case to anyone in TYM, this way :

Real life + Family + Friends + Social Life + Party > MK9

It's fun to follow MK9 competitive scene, watching good streams and see good tournaments fights, only to the point all of these stuff = don't interfere in your real life, real job, and responsabilities


Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
This was a wake-up call.All this time I've been doing worse than what I normally could do in school and life overall due to this game.

-Xmas party? Nope, MK
-Celebrate New Year with GF and friends? Nope , MK
-Going to do well in french and math? Nope, MK

Moderation is normally my specialty but this game just kills me.

Sorry for your loss , Rev.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

You're the best, Rev <3.
I think the community as a whole really needed something like this , IMO.
Just a moment to step back and remember why we love this game/put ourselves through all this mess.

P.S.: I didn't know you were stoner-friendly :D. That makes me happy.
Hope you're doing okay, comrade.

As far as the game goes...I don't have nearly the time to put into it that I used to other than TYM, and Online makes it impossible for me to play up to my actual skill, but I'm really thankful to be a part of all this. Allow me to ramble in the same of showing the positives this game can produce...Kombat and the MK scene/community came along at a time in my life where I really needed something to dedicate myself to and gain some measure of discipline and knowledge, and it ended up rounding me off far better than expected, made me better in far more aspects than just gameplay, and earned me a slew of awesome e-friends/actual comrades. The dedication I put towards this game & Cyrax in particular was more effort than I'd made in I don't know how long as far as education and patience, and in turn inspired me to go back to school this year and pursue my inevitable future in Psychology (Personality Disorders & Schizophrenia FTW), which in turn convinced me to move back to the family home in Maple Shade, with Lady and Baby Box in tow, and get a new start on life for all of us - and it doesn't hurt that now I'll be across the river from the Philly scene and a simple car or Greyhound ride away from VSM :D.

For all the war waged over MK nowadays, I thought maybe a heart-warming tale of aww would help accomplish Rev's goal. It's not just about tournament wins and ass-kickery statistics...this is our game. That we love and hate and love and loathe and love. And sometimes, no matter how serious or spine-jarring our efforts to improe may collectively be, sometimes it's best to just kick off the Professional Shoes and remember how to have fun.

Winter Brawl <3.


Revolver, I'm so sorry for your loss.

I'm glad things are in perspective for you now... it's like I told you that day... you GET TO PLAY MK... it's privilege... some that other people don't get... and definitely not worth being anxious over.

Cliche but:

Yesterday is the past
Tomorrow is the future
Today is a gift; that's why it's called "The Present"

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Revolver, I'm so sorry for your loss.

I'm glad things are in perspective for you now... it's like I told you that day... you GET TO PLAY MK... it's privilege... some that other people don't get... and definitely not worth being anxious over.

Cliche but:

Yesterday is the past
Tomorrow is the future
Today is a gift; that's why it's called "The Present"
That Kung Fu Panda quote is overquoted.


I am your god
Hey... Guys I love this game and many other games. Many revelations will be learn about me one of my biggest loses was due to this game. A future wife, not to mention friends, time, and freedom. Please
Enjoy this game or any game but remember while you are stuck in a bubble playing life continues on. Play Hard but live hard!!


Come On Die Young
Thanks for the support and kind words everyone. I appreciate it a lot. I genuinely like so many people in this community, it feels so much better to have fun with you people than worrying about the game itself.

I get genuinely emotional when I don't perform well. Even though I'm respectful to my opponents no matter what, I take things way too seriously and care too much about what others think of me. Anyone who saw me at NEC after I played Morty knows how terrible I looked. That's going to be done with.


Go to hell.
I typed out a whole book, but I deleted it. No one cares and this isn't about me.

Sorry about your friend rev0lver, I hope you can cope and lessen the hurt. Enjoy your break, after your words I kind of feel like a loser for giving up most of my social life, but that can be fixed. Enjoy the game.

Enjoy your life.


Grapple > Footsies
Thats fucked up. But I'm of the opinion you should do what makes you happy in your life. MK is a hobby, its fun, its a nice extra to cope with the daily grind. Just don't do it at the expense of priorities.


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
Sorry to hear about what happened. However, it really brings a smile to my face when I see people being able to stand up after a fall.

Nothing but the best of wishes to you.


Revolver, I want to mention one other thing. At the start of this coming season, I'll be playing my 10th year of softball. When I started, I put so much effort into it. I let my attitude and day hang on every single at bat... I took batting practice twice a day, fielding practice in between... 6 days a week. Eventually, it consumed me. I started playing ball everyday... twice a day. I was literally playing 7 days a week, 2 double headers Mon-Friday, a double header on Saturday, and 3 double headers on Sunday.

I was also still practicing almost every day. At some point I wasn't having fun anymore... it was a full time job after my full time job. I wasn't getting better either. I was getting frustrated at my performance. I was batting like .600 and it PISSED ME OFF. So, I started forsaking other things... practicing more, playing more...getting more and more down on myself for not living up to my expectations even though I was putting in so much time.

Eventually I realized that the game I love... I started to hate. I realized I had to have fun again. I scaled it back, played WAY less, practiced way less... and the very next year, not only did I have a blast, but I started getting BETTER. I went from a .600 hitter to a .750 hitter and I was being asked to play on tournament teams.

Have fun in anything you do... unless it's your family, your friends or your job, its not worth frustrating yourself over to that extent.


Come On Die Young
Phil, I actually agree with that a little bit. I remember back when I played Call of Duty, I would go super hardcore with it for a while and just get frustrated, then wait a while and start playing with friends for fun and kicking ass. It all clouds the brain. I did the best I've done yet at a recent tournament in Virginia, beating some top players down there, but when I was there I took it so casually.

And to everyone else, once again, you are all awesome :) . I might not be around so often anymore but I look forward to what's to come around here.


I am your god
You are always welcome to have a beer with me. I enjoy the game, but I enjoy the company of the people I have met more. While no way to replace the lose of a friend, rest assure there are many in the MK community that call you friend.