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A.I. fighter you dislike most.......


What mk11 fighter do you dislike most in towers of time? I really hate fighting frost, she is just plain out annoying. Then I hate kotal kahn. Those are the most annoying a.i. to me........


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I love Sonya, and she is my main in this game, but she is a cheap ass bitch when playing against her AI mode .... she cheats all the time, hehe :p


I just set my ai fighter going and browse the internet. I hate the towers of time. Who at NRS thought the screen randomly going black or filling with missiles that only affect you was fun?
Yea that gets annoying as well. Then when you want to do character specific towers to get gear, and towers of time random crap stops you from doing 25 brutalities cause a rocket interupted you. I only say towers of time hecause the gear, klassic towers are obviously easier to do for getting character specific towers.