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A GameStop Christmas


As much as I want to describe what happened, I think I'll let the link speak for itself. For those who don't know me I'm a guy who was raised to fight for what's right, for what I believe in - so if this stuff only happened to me I never would have even made this video. But the fact that kids out there could be getting this garbage for the holidays pissed me off enough to open my mouth about it. Needless to say I'm done with this turdshack.

Tim Static

Why are you so upset?

First off, you still bought it like that. Why i have no idea, but thats just the way the company works. I am an employee, unfortunately because its a pay check, but thats how they operate and yet you still shop there. So offense, but if you feel so strongly about this, dont go back.

Every store does this. When it comes down to the last copies, because the higher ups require we actually gut the actual product, this is what happens. BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT!!! I wouldnt when it comes to certain things, so at least the employee did the right thing and put the sticker over it. Its just the way it works there, so either let it go and do your business elsewhere.

i dont know what else to tell you. :(
No don't get me wrong dude, I knew what I was walking out with and specifically did so for the sake of the video. I'm not complaining that I got ripped off, I just said something for whatever parents out there might be buying this stuff for their kids and the like. Though I do have a legit reason to be pissed: Calling the store in advance and specifically asking if they have the thing new in stock, which I always do, only to get there and be handed this was just a total slap in the face for me to waste a trip like that. That's just wrong, man. I'm not yelling at you or anything, but you gotta agree some of these company policies are ridiculous.
I used to be an RD for GameStop in the midwest several years ago, and although I can understand that some customers are upset with this policy, it's been that way for over tweny years going back to the old Babbage's and FuncoLand days. In my experience the policies of GameStop haven't really changed all that much over the years; they've been tweaked from time to time, but it's probably more accurate to say that customers' expectations have changed over the years.

In more established, older stores complaints like this are few and far between. In newer stores is where I always had issues pertaining to what we define as "new" because customer expectations were that "new" applied not only to the game, but to the packaging as well. To GameStop, the packaging is nothing more than free marketing material; "new and "used" really only applies to the game itself . Also, I'm not sure how things work out in NY, but unless something has changed, it has been a longstanding company policy that employees are not allowed to rent new games.

If GameStop has dropped the ball on anything, it's the fact that the stores don't always do a good job of explaining what "new" and "used" means to GameStop customers, which is what typically causes complaints like this.
The End said:
In more established, older stores complaints like this are few and far between. In newer stores is where I always had issues pertaining to what we define as "new" because customer expectations were that "new" applied not only to the game, but to the packaging as well. To GameStop, the packaging is nothing more than free marketing material; "new and "used" really only applies to the game itself .
You make a great point, and I'm glad you mentioned this because I might've forgotten about it otherwise. GameStop and the general public do have two different definitions of 'new' when it comes to this stuff in the exact explanation that you gave:

When you go to Walmart, either through the website, over the phone or to the actual store, whatever game you're looking for is all wrapped up, minty fresh and factory sealed at a certain price. When you go to GameStop, through the same means that same game is in a box covered in stickers with gashes, dents, and holes through it - going for the same price. People in these situations look at GameStop like a retarded stepchild that just doesn't get it when they could just go down the street to Target and get the same thing in mint condition. Which leads me to my point - when you sell these things as new, the box, manuals, whatever else came with it, and the game itself make up the product that you're purchasing. Like you said though, GameStop sees the actual game as what's new and doesn't care if the rest is missing or damaged which again like you said causes problems like this.
Tim made a good point too, as he explained that these are their policies and if you don't like them you don't have to shop there. But I want to explain why I went there in the first place: the trade in value. I'm spending a lot of money on my family this year, which obviously made cash a little tight. So my choices were either trade my stuff in at Amazon and take a 20-30 dollar hit, or trade them in at GameStop and save a few bucks. I, never learning my lesson, chose GameStop. It really does seem like everytime I go in there there's a problem and I hardly go as it is. I just don't get how these guys haven't had their pants sued off by all the people who call in for something new only to get there and see this is what they meant.

Again no offense to Tim or anything. I even said in the video it's not the guy behind the counter's fault.

Tim Static

yea i totally get your point. I only shop there for 2 reasons: 1. my discount on finding immaculate used stuff and 2. new stuff/first day buys, just like Zaq.

hell i got an IMMACULATE 360 Kinect USED the other day and with my discount, it was $127. anywho, what The End said was completely true. The packaging is a free marketing tool. I mean, we take games in trade without the cases and the company supplies cases and generic artwork for us to "replace" the original stuff. But i'd say 9 times out of 10, the actually game cartridge/disc IS NEW, therefor the whole thing is considered new. Like it or not, and i dont for the same reasons you dont, thats just the way they do business. They are a huge corporate company and will do anything to make a profit and not lose money on every single piece of merchandise the company owns.

I dont hate Gamestop, but i do STRONGLY dislike them, alot.
I did wazz. I got my refund, and I only get pissed when the kids are involved. A lot of people see these situations as exactly that - people getting ripped off. But not a lot of them realize it's mostly kids that end up with this stuff and when they get screwed I get all Mr. T on em.

My friend equinox raised a good question: We know that GameStop only mostly does this if they don't have new-new. But if GameStop doesn't have a problem selling new games like this, then surely they wouldn't have a problem selling all of their new games this way. I mean, it's new, right? So why not... oh, because if you did no one would shop there ever? Then you probably shouldn't sell open items as new to begin with.
Nice video. Make more videos, I am subscribed.

As far as GameStop goes, I thought it was common knowledge that they're crooks. My friend bought a used 360 game for $5 less than actual retail price. Now, I know that was a dumb move on his part, and believe me I told him how dumb that was, but it's more of the fact that they even offer a used game for only $5 less than the price of a brand new copy. Just because you can basically scam the general public pretty easily, it doesn't mean you should or have to. Though, it is the consumers fault to some extent when they make poor decisions. Plus, the trade in values are kinda laughable. But that's kinda to be expected. The only reason people do the trade in anyway is because it's less time consuming and more convenient than eBay.
To offer a new game with a used case and opened is plain ridiculous no matter how you look at it and to change policy to say it's a marketing thing sucks to consumers - nothing against you Tim it's toward Gamestop and that ridiculous policy.

And I've never been able to trade in a game without a case without getting docked $ from my trade in value because of that. If they don't give us full value for just a game disc, we shouldn't be charged a new price for what they dish out with the gutted copies.

I shop at gamestop only when I'm doing trade ins of games I don't care for anymore or where I flip games from BBV, other than that I give my business to other retailers.
xDisciplex said:
And I've never been able to trade in a game without a case without getting docked $ from my trade in value because of that. If they don't give us full value for just a game disc, we shouldn't be charged a new price for what they dish out with the gutted copies.
It never ceases to amaze me the extent to which customers are ripped off every day without knowing it. This is not a GS policy; this is the oldest trick in the book. The employees are paying out less money to you and either pocketing the rest while justifying the lower dollar amount because it's not a complete game, or artificially inflating their store margins so they look good on their scorecard and store rankings. I've seen it hundreds of times.

Tim Static

No offense taken in regards to me and Gamestop. I said it before. its a paycheck.

But I have also worked for Ma & Pa operated game stores. No big corporation. No chains. And yet, every single one i worked for and ever shopped has done business the same way Gamestop does in regards to your trades, used game prices, etc.

The reason the used games are $2-$10 cheaper used, are so customers will buy in to the discount card program, which keeps customers coming back and coming back. With the card, and of course the more you spend, the more you save, a $54.99 game turns into a $49.49 game (plus sales taxes) so iinstead of charging them the already discounted price...............see where i am going?

Also, you have to take into account that for every game you trade it, especially a game that isnt within a month of release, the company is taking a gamble on that product sitting in stock rooms for years to come.

I'll never defend GS, but at the same time, they are trying to protect their money too. As is the small Ma & Pop stores who do the same damn thing.
I was just going through my library and remembered another lovely story about GameStop.

One day I bought GTAIV from them brand new. It was a while after it originally came out, having just gone Platinum Hits or whatnot for the 360. Upon getting it home I realized I wouldn't be playing it much since I only bought it to play with my brother, that at the time only had a 360 and as it turns out recently stopped playing. Long story short, a mere 2 or 3 days after buying the game from them I was told a return was out of the question and that I could absolutely trade in my never-opened still sealed GTAIV for the going trade in price.

Again, if anyone else got screwed over I would've made a stink about it. But it still sits here, unopened in my drawer. Had I remembered that incident, the purchases made in this video never would have happened.


ScheissNussen said:
Spoken like a truly important and successful business executive!
Thank you for taking a moment of your precious time and contributing to this thread!
This could easily be one of the best posts I have seen on here LMAO.


ScheissNussen said:
Spoken like a truly important and successful business executive!
Thank you for taking a moment of your precious time and contributing to this thread!
lol x5


EFL Founder
ScheissNussen said:
Spoken like a truly important and successful business executive!
Thank you for taking a moment of your precious time and contributing to this thread!
Lol your sarcasm is better than mine.

TerryMasters said:
Posts: 1770
I've been here a while, a majority when I was still a student so I had nothing else to do in between class and RA functions.
Dreamcatcher said:
I've been here a while, a majority when I was still a student so I had nothing else to do in between class and RA functions.
Hey the other day I had off from work right, and decided to make a video showing people what happened to me so some little kid wouldn't get ripped off like I did. Isn't funny how we both found the free time to do that?