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A friendly reminder.


Positive Poster!
Forgive me for this post but I think we need to discuss this.
Emotions have gone haywire lately, leading to good people not wanting to be with us anymore and other things that do not fit the profile of testyourmight.com

1. Computer games are a form of entertainment.
1.a. Entertainment by definition was meant to be relaxing.
1.b. Relaxation by definition is devoid of interpersonal strife.
1.c. Conclusion: If you are squabbling over entertainment, you are not entertained.
1.d. Conclusion2: If you are not entertained by entertainment, stop and do something else.
1.e. If you are entertained by squabbling, get out of the house you forum whore.

2. Computer games can be considered a form of sport.
2.a. Sport by definition means the same activity based on skill and knowledge of the rules thereof performed at equal opportunity by all participants.
2.b. Sportsmanship is validated by fairness and courtesy.
2.c. Fairness and courtesy require rational thought.
2.d. If you are angered, you are not being rational.
2.e. Thus, you are not practicing sportsmanship.