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A+ certification


Forum General Emeritus
I'm about to test for A+ certification on the fly. Does this guarantee me anything in terms of salary or job opportunities? Just curious if anyone in the know, knows


remember just because your are certified does not mean your qualified lol (wise words from one of my teachers)

my other tacher said it doesn't gaurantee you n e thing but you do have a way better chance to get hired on w/ an A+ Certification.

hell, i might take a shot at A+ one day, i already have 3 A+ books (hardware, software, and networking)


When I had just finished school and moved up to Denver I wouldn't even get interviews without A+ and Network+. I had to do some quick self studies and get those just to get an entry level tech support job.


Forum General Emeritus
I'm starting to wonder if I even need it now. I'm more of a software/program designer; not a hardware guy. I guess it couldn't hurt to get the A+, but the more I start to read up on the material, the more I realize how way out in left field this is compared to my desired job.


yeah, i was doing desktop support at the time so it was right up my alley. not sure how much you'd need it for programming.