My issue with A.B.I.torial's MKX video wasn't that he was talking about the animations poorly; it was the know-it-all/condescending attitude that he seemed to have during the video. And he seemed angry whilst making said video. And the title of said videos didn't help either.
And it's carried around as though the game is a flop because of said animation failures, when in reality, 99% of people who have played the game never complain about having an issue looking at the animations. I asked a ton of people about how they felt after watching the video what they thought about MKX's animation because I genuinely agreed with him and wondered if people disliked it as well, but no one I asked seemed to have an issue with it. Some people had certain animations that they thought were odd, but besides that, no one ever complained about them. Like myself, people only found certain things like this weird when I sent them the video link, and even then, no one complained afterwards when playing the game. That's not to say that just because people don't complain that it 's automatically fine, but still.
At any rate, It's good that he doesn't sound so angry anymore. We'll see how the game goes on.