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Question 8 Button ArcadeStick Layout Question???


Hello guys i have a question about Hand placement in a arcade stick and i know this is probably the number 999.999.99 about this LOL

So i just bought an 8 button Arcade stick > Madcatz street fighter tournament edition

but i'm having some troubles finding my perfect buttons layout and hands placement, can you help me out a bit please? i have the following questions:

1): Do i need to use my Thumb and Pinky if i use the classic mortal kombat X buttons layout ?
im having troubles using my pinky especially with moves like F2,4 with raider after a teleport,
cant press 4 fast enough due to my pinky...do i need to get used to it?

i know this probably sound like a stupid question LOL but im serious beacuse im the kind of guy that never played in an arcade machine before...

2): Do i need to put my index finger on 1, middle finger on block, thumb on 3, ring finger on 2 and Pinky on 4? or do i have to use one single finger for 3 and 4? (ring)

3): For you guys what's the best way to hit buttons for mortal kombat in the classic X layout?

4): Whats the best layout for Mk9 for you guys?wihch one do you prefer? and which fingers do you use on it??

5):Who is the best character to start with to learn to get better with fightsticks?
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