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Video/Tutorial 71% Super Combo + Possible Resets


71% (4 Bars)
Intractable Trait JP3 LK LK LK LK LK B22F2 Super

100% Possible Reset (2 Bars)
Intractable Trait JP3 JP3 LK LK Uppercut Dash Uppercut mb-Far-Ground-pound Dash Uppercut B3 JP3 B22F3 RMS(cancel) mb-Far-Ground-Pound Uppercut F3 11 Uppercut Dash D1D2LK

100% Possible Reset (3 Bars)
JP1 112 mb-LK Uppercut B3 JP3 B22F3 Trait MRS(cancel) mb-F3 JP3 JP3 LK LK Uppercut 1 Uppercut mb-Far-Groundpound Uppercut F3 11 Uppercut Dash D1D2 LK...

Corner Resets (using 5 bars of meter but you can mix it up)
Jp1 112 mb-LK Uppercut F3 11 11 11 11 Uppercut mb-Far-Ground-Pound Uppercut F3 11 11 11 11 Uppercut mb-Close-Ground-Pound Uppercut F3 11 11 11 11 Uppercut mb-Far-Ground-Pound Uppercut F3 11 Dash D1D2 mb-LK Trait LK LK LK LK B2 LK B22F3 LK

Troll Reset -

Just Because I Can...

Note that every time you reset your opponent in the corner with "Far-Ground-Pound" you need to take a steps backwards before the uppercut, Thank You for you're time... Maybe Now You Will Start To Realise That Flash Is No1!


I love that troll reset so much and great interactable combo. Wondering, how much does the super add on the first combo?

Another great upgrade you could do to your combos in the corner for these resets would be to add in a 32 and go for an OTG pound or dash over. This makes them believe they can't tech roll and attempt a wake up with ease, but what you can do is connect a d2 after 32 putting them in an even greater mind game. Even with tech roll this is still dangerous and they have to commit on a wake up.

Amazing post and hope to see ya around the forums often man, keep up the good work.