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6 in 1 switcher done

Hey with the help of MK3fan, I got my harnesses wired up and just got everything back yesterday. I mounted the switcher in the cabinet and tested everything and it works great. Here are some videos of the initial test procedure when the wires are cluttered and after I cleaned up the wiring a bit. There is also some videos of my cabinet condition and how I installed the two brushless fans that I have. This was my first switcher project, so I am learning as I go. I plan on making a large how to 6 in 1 switcher MK playlist on youtube using some videos that I made of my install and using some of MK3fans harness and 6 in 1 switcher wiring videos. If you have any videos on the topic that may be helpful let me know and I will add them to my playlist.
yea I was expecting there to be some kind of issues however everything went smooth as cake and worked on the first try which is a rare occurrence for me. Thanks again, you were a vital part of me being able to complete this.