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5/7 - Mesa, AZ - Free Bookmans MK Tournament


Bookmans Entertainment Exchange, Mesa Store
1056 South Country Club Drive Mesa, Arizona 85210

This is the first of three events the DEVASTATION team is hosting at Bookmans during May’s Video Game Month. The events at Bookmans are always a blast and have a great turnout, so much so, that we have been forced to lower the tournament cap because we take over the store!

Tournament Details
- Saturday, May 7th
- 12:00 PM Registration Opens
- 1:00 PM Tournament Starts
- 32 Player Bracket (Capped)
- Double-Elimination
- Mortal Kombat will be played on PlayStation 3 (PS3)
- Bring your own controller/arcade stick

- 1st Place, $100.00 in-store gift certificate
- 2nd Place, $50.00 in-store gift certificate
- 3rd Place, $25.00 in-store gift certificate
- 4th to 8th Place, $5.00 in-store gift certificate (each)

Reminder: Registration starts at 12:00 PM and there is a smaller bracket cap than usual, get there early for this one.

