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360...game freezes?

Has anyone else expierenced random games lock ups? I have the game saved to the have the game installed to my HD & everything! Is this a known issue or am I the only 1?!?
I'm getting them also, usually when I try to complete the ladder. I gave up yesterday trying to beat Kung Lao's due to it locking up on me. Usually in the middle of a fatality.


I've had a few on ps3. Both of them were while I was in story mode, in particular on Raidens chapter!

Goblin Bones

Mine was locking up on fatalies then on babalities so i did some searching and came across the answer of the old oblivion trick, Hold down A on 360 to clear out the cache. Solved my problems 100% no more lock ups - oh and if you have social messaging on, Turn off the option for Great Feats and achievements. should fix your prob
Goblin Bones said:
Mine was locking up on fatalies then on babalities so i did some searching and came across the answer of the old oblivion trick, Hold down A on 360 to clear out the cache. Solved my problems 100% no more lock ups - oh and if you have social messaging on, Turn off the option for Great Feats and achievements. should fix your prob
I have the new slim 250g about 4 months old...Do I hold down "A" as I turn on the system? What do you mean Great Feats and achievements. I have Social Messenging on (although i don't know what it does) and I'm still getting achievements...

Goblin Bones

McCHitman said:
I have the new slim 250g about 4 months old...Do I hold down "A" as I turn on the system? What do you mean Great Feats and achievements. I have Social Messenging on (although i don't know what it does) and I'm still getting achievements...
When you are at the dashboard and go to select Play Game, Hold the A button, and yes i have the same console. and as far as the social messaging goes, go into options and go select social messaging and look for Great feats and the other is achievements. switch them both off and press A to save and you should be golden my friend