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31/31 2 Day 19: Why Mewtwo Would be A Good Fit In Mortal Kombat

Since Mortal Kombat 9 has been a huge success it is no secret that Netherealm will probably make a new one. Last time around Sony got a fighter in the form of Kratos & I was hoping that if the game came to Wii it would have a guest fighter. It never did but when Netherealm makes a sequel chances are that it will come to the Wii U.

After thinking about what character could join the roster I decided on Mewtwo. He is one of Nintendo’s darkest & most intimidating characters that they have. He is a self-aware clone of the god-like Mew who went on a murderous rampage through the region of Kanto killing humans & Pokemon alike. He is a character that appeared in the 1st regions & hasn’t been seen much past then. He is more iconic to older fans of the series so I doubt that including him in the game would ruin Nintendo’s image. After all they are the company that is publishing Bayonetta 2 & made games such as Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem & Geist.

He fights using a mixture of his psychic powers & physical attacks in the games anime & manga. In fact he even uses a giant spoon in the manga. Some of his moves even contain using dark attacks such as shadow ball. In fact just to prove that he is Mortal Kombat material I have made a roster complete with fatalities an X-ray & babality. So with that out of the way let’s get this started.

Costume 1: Normal Mewtwo

Costume 2: Power Armor Mewtwo

1 Spooning (Back, Forward, Y) He swings his spoon 180 degrees from behind him to in front of him.

2 Peekaboo (Down, Back, X) He teleports behind his foe & kicks them across the stage.

3 Brainpower (Down, Down, B)

he fires a medium-ranged psychic blast out of his hands.

4 Migraine (X, Forward, Down, Y) He claps & his foe grips their head for a second stunning them.

5 Dark Powers (A, B, Down, B) He charges a shadow ball for a few seconds & then fires it.

6 Psychic Flames (Down, Forward, B): He fires a small flame out of his hands at a very short range.

Burn It to the Ground (X-Ray) He sticks his hand in his foes mouth & fires a psychic blast. It burns most of the insides of there mouth & completely disintegrates their tongue. He then removes his hand from their mouth & knocks them on the ground with his spoon cracking a few ribs obviously hitting them hard in the chest.

Mind Melt (Fatality 1): He snaps obviously he snaps his fingers & his foe is brought down to his or her knees. His foe grips their head in agony as Mewtwo’s eyes glow white. He then snaps again and his foes head explodes into mushy bits.

Gotta Catch Em All (Fatality 2) Mewtwo summons his trademark dark pokeballs & throws one at his foe. A red light envelops them & they scream as they are zapped into the pokeball. Mewtwo then crushes the pokeball in his hand killing his foe.

Babality: The evolution music starts playing as mewtwo flashes. He then starts growing smaller & glows. After 2 seconds of glowing & growing smaller the glowing stops & he turns into Mew. He then meows & floats off the screen.

Entrance: Mewtwo teleports onto the battlefield & says “I am the ultimate life form”

Victory Pose Mewtwo teleports on top of his defeated opponent & crosses his arms.

So I hope I was able to cover why Mewtwo would be a good Mortal Kombat character. He would be a blast to play as & beat down your friends as a pokemon of all things. & Like always thanks for reading & have a great day.

Also Please add your ideas for moves including enhanced version of your moves & my moves your x-ray ideas & fatality ideas & babality & animality friendship & brutality & hara-kiri.

He could also use his disable move to prevent the foe from using the special move they used last for 10 seconds so if Scorpion uses his spear move he won't be able to use it for that time enhanced is 20 seconds.