Xbl: Johnny2Die
MkX: Every Character Gets 3 Versions/Fight Styles
Some people are calling the options their 'trait', although that might not be a great word for it considering trait means something specific in Injustice. It looked more like the style choice allows you access to different specials, or normals, or properties. This sort of option isn't brand new in fighters, it might be like grooves in capcom, or assists I guess, they are options within your character.
Here are the Pros and Cons I've Thought of So far (I'm sure you guys will help me point out more!):
Pro: You can counter pick but keep your main! Having access to different tools will let people find solutions to problems without putting a different character on the screen.
Pro: You can tailor your choice to your style. If you want to go in, you pick the option for that. If you want to zone, there's a version for that, etc. All the while you still get your favorite person to play rather than having to play someone you dont like as much.
Pro: If you like finding tech and setups, you have a lot more content to explore within your main.
Pro: This allows for new things to come out in tournaments for people to watch from home. More stuff to discover might equal more surprise in tournaments. Options possibly equals hype.
Con: 3x24...go go gadget math... 72 fighters to balance. Ruh roh. Now, it wont be as bad as 72 completely different fighters, but it still sounds like a lot. Who knows, maybe this is a good way to give the players more content without too much work on the devs. Possibly genius? Possibly a balance nightmare. I think its probably likely that we are all going to find some very broken stuff in the game when it releases... but not to panic, Boon seems committed to balance, and they've proven they can hotfix QUICK, and can patch with logic.
Con: The effort and energy is going into character versions rather than new characters or our favorite old ones. People are going to have to accept that their main from before, might not be in.
Con: This isnt necessarily a bandage for the holes before. Jade for example was fine, her toolset was competitive (IMO), and she could hold her own against most characters. But she can't fight kenshi or smoke because their projectiles don't count as projectiles and that nullifies her core gameplay, going through stuff. If a character at its core has that big of an issue, choosing a different style might not even matter. I hope this isn't smoke and mirrors to make you think you have choices when really there is a fundamental hole in the character design. Jade's got other problems like needing the meter to use her best move, and not building meter, and not having a big punish, but I used the projectile example because against kenshi, there is literally nothing she can do. Who knows, this system could fix most of that if implemented right. (Disclaimer, I love Jade, she is still my number 2, it is what it is)
This is what I've thought about so far. Feel free to add your own. I'm really excited for this system. Even if my mains aren't in, I trust this, it looks amazing. I'll be happy.
What else have people been thinking about with the fight style choices?
Some people are calling the options their 'trait', although that might not be a great word for it considering trait means something specific in Injustice. It looked more like the style choice allows you access to different specials, or normals, or properties. This sort of option isn't brand new in fighters, it might be like grooves in capcom, or assists I guess, they are options within your character.
Here are the Pros and Cons I've Thought of So far (I'm sure you guys will help me point out more!):
Pro: You can counter pick but keep your main! Having access to different tools will let people find solutions to problems without putting a different character on the screen.
Pro: You can tailor your choice to your style. If you want to go in, you pick the option for that. If you want to zone, there's a version for that, etc. All the while you still get your favorite person to play rather than having to play someone you dont like as much.
Pro: If you like finding tech and setups, you have a lot more content to explore within your main.
Pro: This allows for new things to come out in tournaments for people to watch from home. More stuff to discover might equal more surprise in tournaments. Options possibly equals hype.
Con: 3x24...go go gadget math... 72 fighters to balance. Ruh roh. Now, it wont be as bad as 72 completely different fighters, but it still sounds like a lot. Who knows, maybe this is a good way to give the players more content without too much work on the devs. Possibly genius? Possibly a balance nightmare. I think its probably likely that we are all going to find some very broken stuff in the game when it releases... but not to panic, Boon seems committed to balance, and they've proven they can hotfix QUICK, and can patch with logic.
Con: The effort and energy is going into character versions rather than new characters or our favorite old ones. People are going to have to accept that their main from before, might not be in.
Con: This isnt necessarily a bandage for the holes before. Jade for example was fine, her toolset was competitive (IMO), and she could hold her own against most characters. But she can't fight kenshi or smoke because their projectiles don't count as projectiles and that nullifies her core gameplay, going through stuff. If a character at its core has that big of an issue, choosing a different style might not even matter. I hope this isn't smoke and mirrors to make you think you have choices when really there is a fundamental hole in the character design. Jade's got other problems like needing the meter to use her best move, and not building meter, and not having a big punish, but I used the projectile example because against kenshi, there is literally nothing she can do. Who knows, this system could fix most of that if implemented right. (Disclaimer, I love Jade, she is still my number 2, it is what it is)
This is what I've thought about so far. Feel free to add your own. I'm really excited for this system. Even if my mains aren't in, I trust this, it looks amazing. I'll be happy.
What else have people been thinking about with the fight style choices?