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>>>>>>>>> 2 X-rays per character <<<<<<<<<<

The Joker

Black Dragon
I've never been much of a Street Fighter fan TBQH.Still in SSF4 i really liked the fact you could actually choose what Special/Ultra you wanted to use.Problem was in SS4 , one was a good special the other one sucked lol.

My question is simple,would the community LIKE the option between 2 X-rays per character in MK?

Think about it.You choose Johnny cage (example) and you can choose between his COUNTER X-ray or a different one, an aerial X-ray like CSZ or a grab X-ray like Kano and JAX. You could choose between Rain's Combo prone X-Ray #1 and another X-ray that deals MORE damage but cant be continued after it ends. Etc...

I know one RARELY uses X-ray moves ,as having 2 bars for the breaker seems the way to go these days,but some players could actually enjoy this option.

So what do you think, Like or dislike?


The Joker

Black Dragon
Just throwing some ideas out there,hopefully someone important may consider it XD.

I know i like the idea,even if i use X-rays once every 20 matches, it gives you a different option and at least is extra visual entertainment