I'm just telling you the facts and how NRS has said that they chose the characters, and the DLC would most likely follow the same standards.I agree with everything you said but keep in mind that they were also developing Frost for MK9 and never released her, because WB forced them to move on with their next project. As for the source, it's not mine, some trusted posters from neogaf and gfaqs that have leaked things before were told from an insider source at Netherrealm that MMHunter and Atrocitus were planned DLC characters but they likely haven't started work on them (it was around the time that the Lobo pic surfaced)
I know gfaqs is the paradise of trolls and the people from neogaf are not saints either. But why two people who have been credible before and always post news and leak stuff lie or troll about something?
As for the two "sources", just because someone has been right before, doesn't mean that they'll be right every single time.