Trust me, I'm a doctor

Bane's trait is unique, so much so that people go about using it in a lot of different ways. On one hand, it can seem overwhelmingly strong to be able to just use special attacks and chew through wake-ups, become projectile immune, and recieve huge damage for no more work than pressing a button. However, at the same time people who have felt the bite of level 3 debuffs know the true nature of venom, being you take only as much as you are willing to give up later on. In this topic, I'm going to breakdown the basic venom properties, the concept behind each stage and what it gives you, a few sample combos, and last but not least some good recommendations for both beginner and veteran players when it comes to venom usage. Without further adeau, lets jump right in.More....... VENOM....!
Pump it up!
The trait, venom boost, holds many different properties. the most noticable are the additions to armor and the damage increases. Lets begin with the damage, and the inevitable losses you recieve when the venom runs dry. To my information, this was done using d.2 as a damage source and the damage taken was measured by using deathstroke's super.
(This graph was made by another member, big_aug, on page 15 of the Bane discussion thread)
Venom Debuff Level - Damage Output - Damage Taken
-------0 -------------------------100% --------------100%
-------1 -------------------------80% --------------~103%
-------2 -------------------------60% --------------~111%
-------3 -------------------------30% --------------~135%
Venom Level - Damage Output
------0 ------------------100%
------1 ------------------110%
------2 ------------------125%
------3 ------------------150%
As you can see, level 1 seems to give the best end of the deal. To further show it, a simple formula can be used to determine the overall effectiveness. The cooldowns are 3 seconds for level 1, 6 seconds for level 2, and 9 seconds for level 3, while the durations are 8 seconds, 7 seconds, and 6 seconds respectively.
VLE = [(DV-LZ)]*VD - |[(DW+(DT-LZ)-LZ)] * DD|
VLE = Venom Level effectiveness
DV = Damage (venomed)
LZ = Level Zero (without venom)
DW = Damage (withdrawl)
DT = Damage Taken
VD = Venom Duration
DD = Debuff duration
For level 1...
VLE = [(1.1-1)]*8 - |[.8+(1.03-1)-1] *3|
VLE = (.1)*8 - |(.83 -1)*3|
VLE = (.8) - |(-.17)*3|
VLE = .8 - .51
VLE = .29
In summary, you gain more or less ~30% effectiveness for using level 1, the damage output giving you more advantage with the low cooldown not taking much account. Now lets move into level 2.
VLE = [(1.25-1)*7 -| [.6+(1.11-1)-1]*6 |
VLE = (.25)*7 - |(.71-1)*6|
VLE = (1.75) - |(-.29)*6|
VLE = 1.75 - 1.74
VLe = .01
You gain about 1% effectiveness from using level 2, meaning its still beneficial to use it but not so much so that it should be your goal. Using it will reap a bit more than it'll take away from the debuff, on average, but more often than not you'll simply break average. Now for the infamous level 3...
VLE = [(1.5-1)]*6 - |[.3+(1.35-1)-1)]*9|
VLE = (.5)*6 - |(.65-1)*9|
VLE = 3 - |(-.35)*9|
VLE = 3 - 3.15
VLE = -0.15
At level 3, the debuff makes the entire venom additions 15% LESS effective than Level 2 as far as raw output is concerned. Circumventing the cooldown through usage of a clash, or ending the game on the other hand reaps huge reward being 10x more effective that using level 1. You gain 300% damage output overall if you remove the debuff from the equation.
Now that we've taken a look at the damage aspect, lets see what the levels can give you.
Level 1 venom -
Armor on : Double Punch, Venom Uppercut, Venom Charge, Body Press, Break the Bat
10% increased damage (130% effectiveness overall)
Level 2 Venom -
Armor on : Double Punch, Venom Uppercut, Venom Charge, Body Press, Break the Bat
25% increased damage (even effectiveness w/debuff, 175% w/out)
Level 3 Venom -
Armor on : Double Punch, Venom Uppercut, Venom Charge, Body Press, Break the Bat, f.2, f.2d
50% increased damage (-15% effectiveness w/debuff , 300% w/out)
Projectile Immunity on all specials, f.2, and f.2d, and break the bat
Breaks super armor with all special moves.
Looking at this, although level 3 gives us the most gained benefit up from 1 as far as armor and damage output goes, level 2 gives us the better effectiveness between buff and debuff. Thus, its better to rely on 2 instead of 3 for most of the damage in matches for the sake of that balance.
"You fight like a younger man, with nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken."
One must ask then, why would one ever want to exceed level 1 venom? Including debuff, it still provides a 30% overall boost to your damage output. While this is true, some combos can make the most of the duration of both the venom increase and the cooldown. You also must note that without the debuff, level 2 provides the highest output at 75% without sacrificing effectiveness otherwise. Level 2 also has the better options to having its cooldown avoided in comparison to the lengthly 9 seconds of level 3. Here are some optimal combos for the sake of all 3 levels, including both venomed and withdrawl combos.
Level 1 venom combos will be your primary mix-ups like b.23 and f.2d. These are primarily low-damage combos using meter for moderate damage when necessary, and primarily focus on using your high-low attacks to stay in on the opponent.
b.23 > 123 > d.b.f.3(MB) - 35%
b.23 > b.23 > d.b.f.3 - 29%
f.2d > d.b.f.3(MB) - 28%
f.2d > b.f.1 - 24%
Level 2 venom combos are your jump-ins after your level 1 is beginning to dwindle down. These combos are much higher damage and burning meter to maximize this damage is recommended. Combos with a (W) beside them show combos that will cover the whole duration of withdrawl when landed. Using j.d.3 will be your primary jump-in, and its best to use the venom just before landing to get the maximum duration.
j.d.3 > b.23 > 123 > d.b.f.3(MB) - 49% (W)
j.d.3 > b.23 > d.2 > b.f.1(MB) - 40% (W)
j.d.3 > b.23 > b.21 - 29% with chance for a 26% MB grab reset = 29% / 55%
j.d.3 > b.23 > d.2 > 12 > b.f.2(MB) - 39% (W)
j.d.3 > b.23 > 123 > L2+R2 - 59%
Level 3 venom combos are your end-game maximum-output combos. These will always end in super or command grabs for huge damage. With only 6 seconds to work with, these will be short and sweet with the maximized amount of damage. The only cooldown combo for this is listed at the bottom, and its corner specific.
j.d.3 > b.23 > 123 > L2+R2 - 71%
j.d.3 > b.23 > 123 > d.b.f.3(MB) - 59%
j.d.3 > b.23 > b.21 - 38% with a chance for a 29% MB grab reset = 38% / 67%
j.d.3 > b.23 > 123 > d.b.2(MB) - 57% with a chance for a 25% MB grab reset = 57% / 82% (corner only) (W)
"But what about ring toss?"
Honestly, his air grab gains no benefit from the armor and only has utility in the way of a general catcher if they jump up and backwards, which double punch will take care of with better positioning on your behalf.
Last but not least is my personal words of advice as far as venom usage goes. First off, please do note the beginning equations and try not to go over 2 for the most part. There are some exceptions, such as your 2nd bar of health in which you can clash and do staple damage (not affected by the debuffs) or healing, and refill that juice box. If you are just working on basic f.2d and b.23, I wouldn't suggest going to level 2. However, if you manage to land a j.d.3, feel free to pop it on for that bonus damage.
Level 1 should be sufficive for most of your basic wake-up and oki needs, with its short cooldown time making it simple to extend a wake-up combo and resume it for next to no downtime for the cost of one meter. Level 2 should be used in conjuction with jump-ins, and when it run out don't run away and turtle, go back in and try to land another as most of them cover the entire cooldown which allows you to eliminate that downtime and possibly get that 175% output.
Level 3 is potent, it allows you to rush in and dominate at a huge cost. Avoid using this unless the match will close out upon its use or you have a clash handy to be rid of the negitive effects. If you are near a stage transition and your venom is nearly up, don't be afraid to go for a d.2 bb.R2 to cause the transition. It will do minimal damage, however it will take a decent amount of time off of your venom cooldown and increase that effectiveness.
Once you learn how to control your venom, then you have my permission to try.
~ Best wishes, and more may or may not be coming upon discovery