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Fishies and Sharks : Week 1/2


Jaws: these be sharks
Deathstroke: map control, really uphill to get in on really fucked up guessing game (especially for some) between low pistols mid rifle and high pistols.... can blow you up for dashing and jumping on a decent read.. ... god i forgot he can fight up close decently with his mixup game.... weak anti-air and wakeup game.... probably/hopefully will move down....

Doomsday: the overhead low belly flop sweep grab is really really hard to deal with especially when your wakeup sucks and you just got pushed to the corner by an ex shoulder which grants frame advantage.... My boy hornysmurfer plays with his food with this character...... pushs blocks and meter burning his belly flop should help out with this fucker... hes meter dependent he will move down eventually/hopefully but that oh/low bullshit is stupid... he literally ass rapes you and doesn't care....

Killer Frost: solid projectile/ super mobile with an air dash/ retarded mixup game/wake up game/ slide is the dumbest thing i've ever seen... db2 is great counter=zoning.... whatever.....

Batman: batbots are the best trait in the game.... amazing strings.... probably the best rushdown potential in the game when you consider his b3 and f3 and his ex projectile frame traps and the threat of batbots... meterless..... glad to be a bruce player..... plus i used to dresss up as him all the time as a kid and i put a towel on my cat to pretend she was robin and she bit me...

superman: super mobile.... great footsies..... great zoning.... nuts damage in the corner

aquaman: this character pisses me the fuck off.... he can turtle his ass off and then when you get too him hes too slippery... his high low is obnoxious at the time being and did i mention db2 is amazing..... whoever came up with downdown 3 is a dickhead....


Black Adam: Smarrgasm SMURRRRRRRRRR.... black adam.... the forgotten good character...

Cyborg: Once dey nerf him he gonna zuck :(

Baby sharks? dey grow up to be sharks soon??? or dey become fishies?
Flash: he can go high and low bu he ain't never gonna cross you over....
Harley Quinn: @edgarinc she likes to get pew pewed by super mans laser a lot... but she's got lots of presents in her boxes for ya...
Nightwing: He probably gonna be a sharky shark...
Wonder Woman: She throws like girl but she can air dash and whip.... trait no good though
Green Arrow: his he gonna go high or low with dat arrow? or is he gonna spend too much time pullin it outta his pocket??
Raven: hmm 7/8th screen ermac who can go demon??? but her strings kinda suck don't they...
Catwoman: She's pretty fast and 90% of her 9000 strings probably have little use and her trait could be a tidbit more useful.
Shazam: its all about that f22 string.. style points

Piranhas: DEY can bite ya but dey aint never gonna be a shark...
Green Lantern: he's one slow ass mother fucker... but damn ur fucked if ur the one tryin to get in on him...
Joker: he'll shoot ya and parry ya...yep.
Hawkgirl: her db2 into 3 is really really cheap.
Sinestro: He's too gay looking...


Ares: God of War? more like fraud of war.... i really like his intended strategy of gimmicking you to death..... atleast raiden can react with tele... ares has to sit there and pick his ass

Lex Luthor: he's one clunky ass mother fucker...

Bane: tidbit one dimensional


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Jaws: these be sharks
Deathstroke: map control, really uphill to get in on really fucked up guessing game (especially for some) between low pistols mid rifle and high pistols.... can blow you up for dashing and jumping on a decent read.. ... god i forgot he can fight up close decently with his mixup game.... weak anti-air and wakeup game.... probably/hopefully will move down....

Disgustingly bad cooldowns on those guns, so not much map control. Loses out to a lot of people who can just airdash above his guns, hawkgirl who can mace-dash him. Terrible wake-up, all of his good options are mostly unsafe on block. Super is not that great. Lot of characters have options on him, his damage is decent but nothing to write home about. I'd say he is a pirahna in the average hands, but his mix-ups and guessing games when in the right hands make him a shark, just not the top shark. I'd peg him as the bottom shark compared to the other ones.

Doomsday: the overhead low belly flop sweep grab is really really hard to deal with especially when your wakeup sucks and you just got pushed to the corner by an ex shoulder which grants frame advantage.... My boy hornysmurfer plays with his food with this character...... pushs blocks and meter burning his belly flop should help out with this fucker... hes meter dependent he will move down eventually/hopefully but that oh/low bullshit is stupid... he literally ass rapes you and doesn't care....

Its a shame you can high-block most of it and his sweep is pretty telegraphed. His damage is meter dependant and he has a hard time around people with meter or good anti-air. He is a decent amount dependant on environment use as well. Trait is not all that good, but its not bad. Amazing dash, but all in all he doesn't have all that great of stuff, especially when his anti-airs are useless for the most part against cross-ups. Baby Shark at best.

Killer Frost: solid projectile/ super mobile with an air dash/ retarded mixup game/wake up game/ slide is the dumbest thing i've ever seen... db2 is great counter=zoning.... whatever.....

Low block everything, anti-air her jump-ins, projectiles and d.b.2 are solid so thats fair gambit. Baby shark, if you get hit by half the stuff you mentioned, you deserve it.

Batman: batbots are the best trait in the game.... amazing strings.... probably the best rushdown potential in the game when you consider his b3 and f3 and his ex projectile frame traps and the threat of batbots... meterless..... glad to be a bruce player..... plus i used to dresss up as him all the time as a kid and i put a towel on my cat to pretend she was robin and she bit me...

Agree with some of it, theres better rushdown but he actually HAS wake-up options. Batbots really are amazing. Shark, agreed.

superman: super mobile.... great footsies..... great zoning.... nuts damage in the corner

Not all that mobile, but decent enough. Footsies and 50/50s aren't the same thing, he actually has horrible footsies but great 50/50. Zoning is meh, honestly eye lazers are easy enough to avoid if you bother to try to avoid them. Ares does more in the corner. His super, despite you not mentioning it, is his major saving grace and his trait lets him chew through people like Grundy and Bane, so he gets to be a shark until they make that super more than 6 frames because people complain about getting blown up by its 2 frame godhood.

aquaman: this character pisses me the fuck off.... he can turtle his ass off and then when you get too him hes too slippery... his high low is obnoxious at the time being and did i mention db2 is amazing..... whoever came up with downdown 3 is a dickhead....

Not even all that challenging, but solid and his trait lets him get out of a lot of things people otherwise couldn't. His super is meh, his range is pretty nice, trident strike's tracking is pretty good. Shark, fitting.


You should learn how to jump. His anti-air is really slow and his big box is just begging for jump-overs. 4 hits of armor on walking corpse doesn't mean he gets to be exempt from its 22 frames of whiff punishment, and you can super him out of his own super. Wake-up is solidish, but nothing great. He does good damage and gains benefit from his trait, so thats a good plus. Still, if you have a bad MU against hawkgirl of all people then you can't really be a reliable shark. Hype engine, baby shark.

Black Adam: Smarrgasm SMURRRRRRRRRR.... black adam.... the forgotten good character...

Complete lack of anti-air means he is going to be relying on his lightning cage against cross-ups, which isn't necessarily reliable. Zoning is solid, damage is insane, but that wake-up is just a shame. Passive could be better, but it could be worse. Baby shark, but the biggest baby shark.

Cyborg: Once dey nerf him he gonna zuck :(

Dies to armor, next to no actual mix-up game, slow up close, abhorring trait... his only saving grace is instant air-fireball but that loses to most anyone elses air game. Fish.

Baby sharks? dey grow up to be sharks soon??? or dey become fishies?
Flash: he can go high and low bu he ain't never gonna cross you over....
His trait lets him crank out huge damage, his super is actually a lot better than people think, his air approach is garenteed to beat out most armor in the game, he has some of the safest stuff on block, his high-low game is even better than supermans. Add in an invulnerable wake-up (gets blown-up on block but beats the heck out of 90% of the cast's wake-up) and he is a potent shark.

Harley Quinn: @edgarinc she likes to get pew pewed by super mans laser a lot... but she's got lots of presents in her boxes for ya...
Random chance is an odd trait, but amazing when it goes like you want it to. Aside from that, good combo ability and pretty nifty tricks. Baby shark is a good fit.

Nightwing: He probably gonna be a sharky shark...
Ground sparks beating out most projectile users, his other stance being actually good, his rushdown and damage being solid... He is already a shark, and a dangerous one at that.

Wonder Woman: She throws like girl but she can air dash and whip.... trait no good though
Trait is no good indeed, lasso was overestimated because of the demo... Her damage is meh but the stall lasso has its uses. Still, for what she is worth, I'd put her as a fish.

Green Arrow: his he gonna go high or low with dat arrow? or is he gonna spend too much time pullin it outta his pocket??
Fish. Ice arrow scales everything too much, you can jump anything from full-screen and block dash anything from half, he loses to armor 99% of the time, and Bane has a free approach in his charge, moreso than any other character in the game. Outzoned by most people with air zoning ability, air dashes mess him up, his combos aren't all that damaging... meh.

Raven: hmm 7/8th screen ermac who can go demon??? but her strings kinda suck don't they...
Armor on wake-up beats everything. She does decently against people who are afraid of her, but frankly she has the same problem as arrow. She does damage and she isn't dependant on scaling to get through the day, so Pirahna.

Catwoman: She's pretty fast and 90% of her 9000 strings probably have little use and her trait could be a tidbit more useful.
Loses to armor unless she is in her whip's sweetspot, however she does have some sick rushdown potential and you can't argue with EX claw. Pirahna.

Shazam: its all about that f22 string.. style points
Trait is meh, combos are meh, meter dependant, decent damage in the corner, EX dash is overhead which is deceptive, EX bolt does godlike chip if you can ever get it out... Fish, sadly. I like his concept, but honestly just not all that nice.

Piranhas: DEY can bite ya but dey aint never gonna be a shark...
Green Lantern: he's one slow ass mother fucker... but damn ur fucked if ur the one tryin to get in on him...
Shark all day. Some of the best denial options, great zoning, good damage off of one bar, decent jump-ins, a good enough trait considering its speed, good chip and push on guard, lots of options to get out if he needs to. He has everything you really need in a character.

Joker: he'll shoot ya and parry ya...yep.
I used to say baby shark if played well, but not good enough in retrospect. He is a fish for now, just not enough damage output for the meter costs, but he has some good set-ups with the teeth. That is, if you decide to not block low or actually get caught in it.

Hawkgirl: her db2 into 3 is really really cheap.
She is fine as a pirahna. Slow, loses to a lot of stuff, but she has some options no one else does and her flight mode is great in certain match-ups. Its a shame she loses to so many others.

Sinestro: He's too gay looking...
Professional weight on opinion just hit zero for you. Sinestro has some gimmicks and really isn't "as bad" as a lot of people say. His frames need repair to make them not -33, but outside of that its legitimately hard to get in on him if he manages to shackle you and get his trait up. Pirahna is a good fit, but not because of his looks.


Ares: God of War? more like fraud of war.... i really like his intended strategy of gimmicking you to death..... atleast raiden can react with tele... ares has to sit there and pick his ass
Huge damage from anywhere on the screen, an axe that can hit you almost anywhere and does decent damage, an unblockable he can combo out of and toss out as an oki trap all day, huge damage in the corner, deceptive high hits and low sword links into just about everything and anything, super has a huge arc and good reach, projectiles do decent enough damage and go overhead when EX is used, has a teleport which is fast enough to get around most any zoning character. Only downside is his lack of wake-up, but if you aren't on him then you'll find him to be probably one of the top characters in the long run. Shark.

Lex Luthor: he's one clunky ass mother fucker...
With some of the best zoning in the game, one of the fastest punishes he can toss out as an anti-air, a trait which lets him no-sell a lot of attacks and makes him nigh-ungrabbable, a solid wake-up and lots of traps using lex orb, unblockable lazer/missles, huge reach on his j.3 which crosses up by the by, a super that can trigger on the last hit, the mine being a solid oki if done right and a trap on push-block, etc. He is a baby shark, too many people are sleeping on this guy when he has solid options.

Bane: tidbit one dimensional
Trait gives him armor on all specials meaning 90% of the cast can't wake-up to him. Some of the best high/low and almost complete meter independance, level 3 is projectile immune and breaks armor when specials are used, his super is unblockable and goes almost half screen, damage potential is probably some of the best in the game, his cooldowns on venom can be avoided through clash and transitions. He basically gets 20 seconds of armor on all of his specials, with 6 seconds of projectile immunity, armor breaking, and the highest output in the game. All on a 9 second cooldown you can almost completely avoid when you have the options, as well as having a command grab, cross-up body splash, and your overhead options also becoming projectile immune, armor breaking, and cancelable by dash making it second as an unoffical parry when necessary. The fact that he shuts down so much of the cast after one knockdown makes him a secret shark.

Input in red, I don't know how much of your opinion I really trust.


Input in red, I don't know how much of your opinion I really trust.
killer frost: dont forget backdashing is gonna be huge and she has a safe full combo punisher for it into a vortex... sounds solid too me... don't underestimate airdashing... we'll have to analyze her normals and footsie game though, could be a problem
batmans: ex batarang and trait pressure sounds like johnny cage too me
deathstroke:i see your point both him and doomsday are just hard to deal with a couple weeks in
ares: im making a point when i say he sucks mainly to piss off smarrgasm, i think top rushdown characters that he can't footsie with will blow him up... otherwise hes fine and should pace the game for himself
bane: we'll see,i guess hes a true zangief, will have issues
nightwing: same opinion
solomon: broken as shit up close, dont forget he can armor jump ins too and gaps
black adam: that standing 1 dude (perhaps its not reliable) still think he can compete with most of the cast
lex: just pick deathstroke or batman...
lantern: he's fine, having the best aa in the game is someting... however that mobility is gonna kill him especially when he gets outzoned... but when he doesnt i could see him being nuts
wonder woman: db1
doomsday: theory is different than practice but hell atleast be a great counter-zoner.
superman: 8 frame advancing mid???? not good footsies?


Trust me, I'm a doctor
killer frost: dont forget backdashing is gonna be huge and she has a safe full combo punisher for it into a vortex... sounds solid too me... don't underestimate airdashing... we'll have to analyze her normals and footsie game though, could be a problem
No reason to backdash, just block low and most characters can blow up her air dash attacks just because of how telegraphed they are.

batmans: ex batarang and trait pressure sounds like johnny cage too me
I feel meh about that comparison. Trait pressure is good if you are on the offensive, but its not that great when you are being pressured since you can lose it all if you get hit. Free punishes are nice though.

deathstroke:i see your point both him and doomsday are just hard to deal with a couple weeks in
I can imagine.

ares: im making a point when i say he sucks mainly to piss off smarrgasm, i think top rushdown characters that he can't footsie with will blow him up... otherwise hes fine and should pace the game for himself
I see.

bane: we'll see,i guess hes a true zangief, will have issues
Who doesn't, in this game.

nightwing: same opinion
same answer

solomon: broken as shit up close, dont forget he can armor jump ins too and gaps
Walking corpse is -22 on whiff so just avoid it. He has sick oki if you lack armor, but if you don't you can spend a meter and not only get out of his armored grabs for free but smack him for 11% and a possible punish if you do b.3.

black adam: that standing 1 dude (perhaps its not reliable) still think he can compete with most of the cast
Its meh because it doesn't track as well as it should meaning cross-ups kill him.

lex: just pick deathstroke or batman...
I feel lex has a niche and he has more tools in that area than batman, but more utility and consistency than deathstroke in-game.

lantern: he's fine, having the best aa in the game is someting... however that mobility is gonna kill him especially when he gets outzoned... but when he doesnt i could see him being nuts
Raven has the same AA, and yeah he can be nuts sometimes but Raven does it all and has teleports and pillars to boot.

wonder woman: db1
Aqua can safely d.1 that and cancel it out every time on reaction if you mean the move I think you do.
Also useless trait puts her behind people without useless ones.

doomsday: theory is different than practice but hell atleast be a great counter-zoner.
Raven is a better counter-zoner.

superman: 8 frame advancing mid???? not good footsies?
Nah, because that 8 frame advancing mid puts him way out there. If you tag him before he gets to the end of it all with most any light jab you have a free set combo. Not to mention armor beats it, grabs beat it, range beats it, most specials beat it. He is better off using air dashes. Now people like Bane have good footsies because of the armor on his attacks. People like GL have decent footsies because of his toss and the general safety of gatling gun.

This is just imo I find his footsie game underwhelming.


Nah, because that 8 frame advancing mid puts him way out there. If you tag him before he gets to the end of it all with most any light jab you have a free set combo. Not to mention armor beats it, grabs beat it, range beats it, most specials beat it. He is better off using air dashes. Now people like Bane have good footsies because of the armor on his attacks. People like GL have decent footsies because of his toss and the general safety of gatling gun.

This is just imo I find his footsie game underwhelming.
i agree with you to a degree but that normal is 8 frames.. on second thought its 8 fucking frames and you can't do anything on reaction too it.... its 8 frames... 8 freaking frames... and it has monster reach... and he has pretty decent dash speeds to supplement it...


Input in red, I don't know how much of your opinion I really trust.[/quote

Yea you got it backwards with superman his 50 50 game is not good at all you can block it very easily on reaction. His footsies are amazing, an 8 frame far advancing mid that leads to a frame trap on block with breath. Its like kitanas f2 string just a thousand times better


UPR DanableLector
Input in red, I don't know how much of your opinion I really trust.
Whats not all that challenging about Aquaman? Handling his high/low? Playing against Aquaman in general? Or Playing as Aquaman in general? Anyway you slice it, I don't agree. Aquaman is very hard to play against, and hard to play as at the same time.


Nah, because that 8 frame advancing mid puts him way out there. If you tag him before he gets to the end of it all with most any light jab you have a free set combo. Not to mention armor beats it, grabs beat it, range beats it, most specials beat it. He is better off using air dashes. Now people like Bane have good footsies because of the armor on his attacks. People like GL have decent footsies because of his toss and the general safety of gatling gun.

This is just imo I find his footsie game underwhelming.
ravens normals cant compete at all with green lantern

also i meant pick deathsroke or batman as hard counters to lex...


Nah...she can do way more than run the clock out. NW cant fight HG from the air
true she might be able to piss nightwing off pretty well.. and killer frost.... and superman... hah

i noticed she has good d1 mixups.... really amazing /safe to really hard to punish advancing moves also... she might turn out to be quite the bitch.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
true she might be able to piss nightwing off pretty well.. and killer frost.... and superman... hah

i noticed she has good d1 mixups.... really amazing /safe to really hard to punish advancing moves also... she might turn out to be quite the bitch.
She is...check out my post when i post this match...im hardly even that good with her and im playing the match wrong...but imo...she is solid


Nah, because that 8 frame advancing mid puts him way out there. If you tag him before he gets to the end of it all with most any light jab you have a free set combo. Not to mention armor beats it, grabs beat it, range beats it, most specials beat it. He is better off using air dashes. Now people like Bane have good footsies because of the armor on his attacks. People like GL have decent footsies because of his toss and the general safety of gatling gun.

This is just imo I find his footsie game underwhelming.
you just lost complete credibility by saying his f23 string is underwhelming


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Whats not all that challenging about Aquaman? Handling his high/low? Playing against Aquaman in general? Or Playing as Aquaman in general? Anyway you slice it, I don't agree. Aquaman is very hard to play against, and hard to play as at the same time.
IMO he isn't that hard to deal with. Playing as him isn't all that hard either, it has its moments but I mean he's no shazam.
To that point, theres several things that aquaman struggles with as does every character in this game. I never said he was not a shark, however I don't find him as threatening as other characters in his fields of play. Theres better zoners, counter zoners, rush down, high-low, combo, parry... He just happens to do them all somewhat well which is something that not a lot of characters necessarily have in their arsenal.

Jack of all trades, if you will. Theres nothing he can do that's outright better than another character's ability to do the same as their main point (Example being he can't counter-zone as well as Raven/GL, he can't zone better than Deathstroke, he can't rushdown better than Bats or Supes, he doesn't have as good high/lows as a number of the cast, his combos compared to the meterless 44% Killer Frost and Ares combos aren't all that great, and his Parry imo isn't as good as say Killer Frost's Parry or Flash's Vibravo.), however he covers all of the bases which means even if he isn't as good as counter-zoning as GL he has better mobility, better wake-up than Deathstroke, better space control than bats or supes due to the safety and range of his attacks, better mix-ups than KF or Ares, and access to a parry in general that works as an anti-zoning measure.

He is a shark, just theres nothing really to me that he makes harder than characters built around the premise. Its more a matter of dealing with them all at the same time that makes him pretty great.

you just lost complete credibility by saying his f23 string is underwhelming
Backdash the ending follow-up if you mean f.23 breath, otherwise I don't see much issue with it. I don't find it as difficult to deal with as a lot of people do appearently since you have characters like Batman, Grundy, Bane, and the like who can just get free shots off whenever they see it come out. I find his decently-fast air dash approaches, decent amounts of damage/chip off of eye zoning, good enough damage on combos without need for meter, and 2 frame super being more of a threat than f.23, so yes by comparison to the better areas of his kit f.23 really isn't anything special in itself. You can react to it in a lot of different ways, and despite it being "only 8 frames" that doesn't stop a decent amount of the cast from having answers to it either in a further reach or access to stuff like backdashing, armor, mechanical bats, parries (since people like Killer Frost can just tag it for free), and so on. Almost every character has a definite answer for f.23, where as not many characters have stuff that saves them from his eye zoning or that 2-frame, or heck even his passive which blows up a lot of armor characters. Couple it in with a fast AA grab too.

ravens normals cant compete at all with green lantern

also i meant pick deathsroke or batman as hard counters to lex...
Raven's anti-zoning and ability to port in gives her the edge on GL imo since she doesn't have to pay her way in to get started.

Batman, meh maybe. Deathstroke eh... He has some answers, but yeah they counter him.


UPR DanableLector
Doombawkz Your personal experience leads me to believe you just haven't played a good Aquaman. I definitely get what you're saying.. but going up against him in the right hands might change your mind. Aquaman is my nightmare.. and i play Aquaman! Its that damn trait!


IMO he isn't that hard to deal with. Playing as him isn't all that hard either, it has its moments but I mean he's no shazam.
To that point, theres several things that aquaman struggles with as does every character in this game. I never said he was not a shark, however I don't find him as threatening as other characters in his fields of play. Theres better zoners, counter zoners, rush down, high-low, combo, parry... He just happens to do them all somewhat well which is something that not a lot of characters necessarily have in their arsenal.

Jack of all trades, if you will. Theres nothing he can do that's outright better than another character's ability to do the same as their main point (Example being he can't counter-zone as well as Raven/GL, he can't zone better than Deathstroke, he can't rushdown better than Bats or Supes, he doesn't have as good high/lows as a number of the cast, his combos compared to the meterless 44% Killer Frost and Ares combos aren't all that great, and his Parry imo isn't as good as say Killer Frost's Parry or Flash's Vibravo.), however he covers all of the bases which means even if he isn't as good as counter-zoning as GL he has better mobility, better wake-up than Deathstroke, better space control than bats or supes due to the safety and range of his attacks, better mix-ups than KF or Ares, and access to a parry in general that works as an anti-zoning measure.

He is a shark, just theres nothing really to me that he makes harder than characters built around the premise. Its more a matter of dealing with them all at the same time that makes him pretty great.

Backdash the ending follow-up if you mean f.23 breath, otherwise I don't see much issue with it. I don't find it as difficult to deal with as a lot of people do appearently since you have characters like Batman, Grundy, Bane, and the like who can just get free shots off whenever they see it come out. I find his decently-fast air dash approaches, decent amounts of damage/chip off of eye zoning, good enough damage on combos without need for meter, and 2 frame super being more of a threat than f.23, so yes by comparison to the better areas of his kit f.23 really isn't anything special in itself. You can react to it in a lot of different ways, and despite it being "only 8 frames" that doesn't stop a decent amount of the cast from having answers to it either in a further reach or access to stuff like backdashing, armor, mechanical bats, parries (since people like Killer Frost can just tag it for free), and so on. Almost every character has a definite answer for f.23, where as not many characters have stuff that saves them from his eye zoning or that 2-frame, or heck even his passive which blows up a lot of armor characters. Couple it in with a fast AA grab too.

Raven's anti-zoning and ability to port in gives her the edge on GL imo since she doesn't have to pay her way in to get started.

Batman, meh maybe. Deathstroke eh... He has some answers, but yeah they counter him.
batman is a hard counter to lex... he can zone equally... his bats shut down armor and hes a much quicker and superior up close character. lex has no answer to stroke.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Doombawkz Your personal experience leads me to believe you just haven't played a good Aquaman. I definitely get what you're saying.. but going up against him in the right hands might change your mind. Aquaman is my nightmare.. and i play Aquaman! Its that damn trait!
I won't deny that, it may be a lack of experience that makes me feel like I do about it.