Grapple > Footsies
I simply do not understand the wakeup system in this game. In MK it was simple, if you go down and they try to pressure you, you do a wakeup attack which they must respect. In Injustice not only can I not get my wakeups out half the time, but even when I do they are stuffed by either a jumpin or pressure string. Sometimes the same move will even seem to have the "MK wakeup invincibility" and other times that same move will get blown up. What is going on?! This is especially blowing me up on 50/50's when I'm down. Is anyone else having a very hard time with wakeups in this game? What are we supposed to do? Backdash? Take the chip and push block? What about low starters vs jumpins? The input window for wakeups seem incredibly tight. And all wakeups except like 4 characters seem shitty. Help.